Sugar, Sugar, SUGAR

639 17 21

A week later the carnival arrived in town. The carnival which you were originally going to go to, with Sapnap.

But you could do perfectly without him, you had the girls!

-Uh yeah no I'm busy this weekend sorry Y/n!
And she hung up, you tried calling and texting Minx but she didn't answer anything.

Maybe you'd have to go alone, but where's the fun in that?
Your phone buzzed, you quickly picked it up thinking it was Minx only to look disappointed at the text from Mom.

Text message from: Mom 🥰
Hey hun! Won't be home for dinner today so you'll have to make something by yourself. Love you!❤️

Okay, love you too! ❤️


Welp, as if this day couldn't get any more lonely, it just did.

Your phone buzzed again

Sexy Hunk😍😫🥵
Hey Y/n! I was thinking you could tag along with me and Drista to the carnival later!

Who are you?! And why is your name 'Sexy Hunk'

Sexy Hunk😍😫🥵
Probably because I am 😏

Okay nvm, scratch that.

You changed username on
'Sexy Hunk😍😫🥵'
'Ugly ass bitch 🙄'

Ugly ass bitch 🙄:
Well, you tagging along or not?

Alriiiiggght, if you want me that badly, I will 🙄

Ugly ass bitch 🙄
Alrighty, Drista and I will come pick u up later! See ya!

No wait!

Ugly ass bitch 🙄

How'd I get your number? Did you want contact with me that badly?

Ugly ass bitch 🙄
No lemme explain before you turn off your phone!

Byeeee, cya at 6 pm!


You responded before turning off your phone not letting Dream give his excuse. Sighing putting away your phone in your pocket you decided to cook yourself something small before getting picked up.

Finding only a ramen package in a cupboard you decided it would have to do.

Not much later Dream and Drista arrived in a black car.

"Wow! Sexy!" You said without thinking about your choice of words.
"Wh-" Dream just wheezed whilst Driata laughed her ass off.
"What?" Was it that funny? "I just said the car looked nice?" You attempted to excuse yourself but to no avail.

"Nono, you said; sexy" Drista just kept laughing
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get in!" Dream said and you hopped into the back seat.

Arriving at the carnival, you and Drista ran off, not exactly sure where but forward. Running forward wasn't exactly the easiest because of the crowd of people. A dodging game whilst you also had to keep your eyes on the back of Drista making sure not to lose her in the process of running. Grabbing her hand before she vanished into the crowd you sighed with relief, before being yanked forward again.

Arriving at the first carousel she squealed happily.
"Let's go on this one!"
"Shouldn't we wait for Dr-"
"Y/n! Let's go!" she said dragging you along to the already quite long waiting line.

The ride didn't seem scary, just, probably not the best warm-up.
Okay let's face it, the ride seemed alarming, the way it shook and the way it didn't seem 100% stable on the ground wasn't making the fright any better.

"Isn't this going to be so much fun?!" Drista said jumping up and down.
"Yeah.." you chuckled trembling with nerves.
"Are you alright? You seem pale.."
"Yeah, no, I'm fine, completely, pfft, why wouldn't I be? It's not like I'm scared, or that the whole THING shakes when it goes down. I'M FINE! Yep, definitely"
"Yeah okay, just asking." she put her arms up looking away in defense when talking.

When it was your turn you grabbed Drista's hand once again
"Okay, maybe I'm not fine, but it can't be too bad, right?"
"Okay, but it'll be fun!" Drista's encouragement didn't help all that much.

The ride was horrible. Afterward, you had to take a break, not only because of dizziness but also because of the nausea, and when Drista wanted to go again you almost fainted. Luckily Dream had decided to catch up to you guys and became Drista's ride-company for the next few rounds of that horrifying thing.

A half-hour later the three of you decided it was time for a food break (if you can call it that). There was a lot of sugar everywhere, cotton candy, waffles, pancakes as well as crêpes, candied apples, ice cream, churros, and even something called candied almonds, which you had never heard of before.
There was barely any real food except for the occasional hotdog stands which also sometimes sold fries as a side. But other than that, you had to live off of the sweets, which by the way, is not the correct way of taking care of nausea. You'd have to blame yourself for that later, I mean, it's not every day you're at a carnival.

You ended up with a crêpe topped with ice cream and (any optional sauce of your preference).
Drista picked churros with Nutella and Dream an ice cream.

When you'd found a table a few feet away you saw a flash before your eyes and Dream's ice cream was on the ground. You wanted to laugh because of the disappointed look on Dream's face, but you kept it in.
You saw a flash of pink getting away farther from you, almost out of eyesight, knowing who it was you snorted out a laugh.

Avenging trauma, I see.

"Once Dream made Techno drop his ice cream and Techno ran after Dream with a stick he found on the playground."

"Dream! This is like the time when we were younger and you stole Techno's ice cream and dropped it, but this time he made you drop yours!" Drista spoke and laughed, assuring she saw the same tuff of pink hair run away from the three of you also confirming your theory was correct.
"You were there?" you questioned Drista
"Of course I was, almost everyone was there!"
"Oh well Dream, now you know how it feels!"
He turned his gaze toward you angrily
"Well, you weren't there in the first place, so you don't have a say in this!" His tone was cold and he seemed unusually emotional.

Putting your hands up in defense you spoke.
"Sorry man, didn't know it was such a touchy subject." Drista once again just laughed, this time she laughed so hard she clutched her stomach gasping for air.
"Dream it's literally your fault you're lifetime enemies, why are you dragging Y/n into this." The words barely came out in a proper sentence but it was audible.
Dream just sighed and turned to walk away.

Was all this just because of an ice cream?

The sugar intake and the nausea didn't mix well, being too much all at once and not having enough time to process anything you felt yourself throwing up on the ground.

Personally, I would be fuming if someone made me drop my ice cream, what about you guys? (especially if it's an expensive Carnival one)

Also fun fact: when writing the title of this chap, I wrote and rewrote sugar so many times I forgot the correct way to spell it.

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