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A/n: If you have any requests or ideas, this is your time to comment—->
Sorry for the delay, I love you guys!

(also there are / where you can choose your preferred nickname)

It was Thursday and you had History class, funny enough, Dream isn't in this class. Heck yeah!
Your teacher, Paul Richards, had everyone assigned a group project. Yayers.

The thing wasn't so bad..until you got paired up with the two dumbest idiots ever. One of the two was a girl named Leila and the other was someone you didn't know personally, her name was probably Reike. Or Rei, doesn't matter.
Anyways, they were conversing on the dumbest of topics, which didn't even make sense.

They acted as if you wouldn't have to do the whole thing alone. Welp, here you were.
All groups had to gather together and when everyone did, some girl (named Katie) raised her hand.
"Yes Katie," Richards said
"Hey teach? Could Rei switch groups with Bad?" Was that one of the nutshells in your group? Wait-BAD?! As in Badboyhalo?!
"Then everyone will-"
"Everyone will be happy, right Y/n, Troy?" Katie said. Troy was one in her current group, or so it seemed cause one of the people in her group nodded and agreed to everything she stated.
"Please!" What a desperate bitch
"Alright, Bad you switch with Rei." Your teacher spoke

"Bad! Long time no see!" You said excitedly almost jumping in your seat
"Yeah! I switched to this history class recently because of the constant problems. Everyone in that other class was just on another level of immaturity." He stated and pushed up his glasses.
"Ah! That's why! I was just about to ask." Your response was.
He chuckled awkwardly "Yeah."

Leila just sat there, not knowing if she was going to interfere. She sighed loudly, you and Bad just looked at her as if expecting something, your cheeks on the other hand had turned a bit red.
The confidence she had two seconds ago was killed. She opened her mouth and closed it immediately after, realizing it'd be better to just sit this one out. She pushed her brown locks behind her ear in defeat to get the focus off of her.
"Maybe we should start on the project." Bad suggested as a matter of fact while your cheeks cooled down.

During lunch, you ran into George and Callahan. "S'up guys!" You said contentedly.
"Hey, Y/n!" George responded and Callahan waved casually with a wide grin on his face.
"Are you guys going to that party on Saturday?" you asked the duo.
"Yeah we are, it seems like a lot of fun and Sally is super sweet," George spoke
"Is Sally the redhead who invited everyone?"
Callahan nodded while George answered yes
"Alright we gotta get to our crew, see you!"
"Nice! Have fun!" you waved to them as you left their view.

You walked out of the cafeteria, only to bump straight into Minx in the hallway.
"Oh hi y/n!" Minx smiled at you brightly.
"Hey, Minx! SORRY," you said, waving your hands apologetically before being pulled into a hug.
"It's alright, you're not hurt are you?" she pulled you out of the hug, grabbed your shoulders, and looked at you.
"Alright then! How are you, love?" she asked sweetly
"I'm alright, next period is English with Lizzy-Ada"
"Oh! Lizzy-Ada!" she thought for a second before she kept speaking "She's not my English teacher but everyone says she's great!"
"She is!" you said contentedly.
So...You going to that party on Saturday?" she questioned
"Yeah! Are you going, too?" you questioned
"Yeah! And it'll be way more fun knowing you're going to be there too!" she gave you a wink
"Awh Minx! You're too sweet!" your cheeks had turned a rosy pink by this point.
"Well, you get special treatment King/Queen!" she smirked at you.
"Well, I should be the one treating you like royalty! Not vice versa!" you said pouting.

The two of you were walking in the hallway, chatting your hearts away. You reached the outside, still talking.
"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow evening?" she asked
"Oh!- " you looked down "I'm hanging out with Drista, her parents won't be home so she needed someone to have around and asked me to hang out with her."
"Alright, tell her I said hi alright?"
"Will do!" you said turning around, ready to head over to your next period.
And so, the two of you went separate ways.

In the next period, your mind was other places.

You kept thinking back to Minx. She wasn't a touchy person, nor a hugger. So why would she greet you with a hug? Maybe you were overthinking something so irrelevant. Maybe she knew you like hugs? Yeah. That must be it. She knows you like hugs a lot.
"Y/N!" someone waved a hand in front of your face
"What?" you said, your gaze drifting away from the window, towards the person's hand.
"You got asked a question," Oliver stated
"Oh," was your only response "Well could you ask the question again?" You asked your English teacher kindly, whilst a pink-haired guy scoffed behind you.
Yep. He is still here. He hasn't gone back to SBI prep.
You turned your head towards him and glared at him. You then turned your head back towards the board where the teacher was standing.
"What is..."

And just like that, your boring lesson kept going.

Fast forward to the end of the day, you grabbed your books by the locker and Dream came towards you, stealing your books.
"Dream, what are you doing?" you said whilst you rolled your eyes
"I'm carrying your books, pretty noticeable if you ask me."
"Dream, I need those, I'm heading home, you should've come earlier during the day, BETWEEN my classes you dingus."
He just looked at you sheepishly and gave your books back.
"Y/N, TOMORROW, I WILL!" he yelled as you walked further and further away from him, burying your head in your books of embarrassment. People were staring at you, some people with slightly open mouths.

Tomorrow was going to be.. Fascinating.

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