All against one

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you guys dont know how much I cry bc of 20k reads and all tons of support i get all the time, writing is one of the best things to me
Thank you. <3

—I'm sorry for this chapter 😂/j (I'm not sorry) -(author)

You were walking from class and you saw Sapnap walking past you. Not only wasn't he alone, no, he had girls clinging to his arms, squealing sadly or happily, rather unclear, and expressing all kinds of emotions.
The weirdest thing about this was one of them clinging to his arm, like a heavy bag, crying, LOUDLY. Mascara running down her face, on his shirt and some dripping to the floor, leaving a trail.

What an ineffective mascara..or it's just the bitch. Whatever, their problem.

"Sapnap why did you invite that bitch to the carnival! You could have asked ME! Or any of us!!" Excuse her what?
"Guess I'll just have to not go with them." He Said nonchalantly not seeing you, walking right past you.
She cried some more and wiped her ruined mascara on his sleeve and he didn't even seem bothered!
What an actual jerk oh and that slab shit of a girl

Definitely cancelling on him, no? yeah?

Telling or texting him to cancel schedule?
Dramatic exit to make him regret bitchtalking you?

You know it,


You thought of many different scenarios on how to cancel on him and oh, you found the best.

After History class you waited outside the classroom next door, were you knew Sapnap had had his class. As he exited you grabbed his arm
"Hey Sapnap!" You smiled hugely, he was definitely thrown off already
"Hey Y/n."
"Uhm, uh I know this is weird but, could you sign this right here?" You showed him a part of a paper where it was an empty space
"Oh, sure! Alright!" He signed his name and you smiled and went your way.


The next day you had football practice, the hours were late and rain was pouring down. Everyone was grunting and drenched in water, nothing yet to be compared to the big, gathered audience at the bleachers.
They were also sitting in the rain, not as drenched, protected by umbrellas or thick rain coats.

When practice finally ended, chaos broke loose. All the people in the audience called for Sapnap, he, who was surprised by all of the attention ran towards the bleachers, happily accepting the embrace of attention.
People started all asking him about the carnival.
"Sapnap, when are you going to pick me up?"
"What date would you settle for?" Another one asked
Everyone talked over eachother and you side-glared at him with a big smile. Then you spoke and he turned towards you.
"You might want to ditch me, ghost me but it looks like I figured you out first, might not have expected it from me, well, toodles loser."
He just stared, probably in shock, you half-turned towards him again.
"Oh! And if you didn't get it, I CANCEL!" You turned on your heel and left the field.
All of the people on the audience looked at you, then at him and then back at you. They slowly took the hint and went b.a.l.l.i.s.t.i.c.

The caos..,
and what is not better than hungry, drenched people that happen to be furious at a guy? (Tell me)

They went down to the ground and oh, how they picked up mud. Sapnap went to run for his life. He was done for. Some grabbed him to be still while others threw mud.
Coach Trey also happened to go crazy.
"DONT YOU FOLKS KNOW MANNERS?! THIS IS PRACTICALLY BULLYING! GET OFF OF MY FIELD RIGHT NOW!" His head was completely red and smoke was practically streaming from his ears.

Everyone hurried off the field so Mr Trey wouldn't remember their faces.

When you walked home you smiled evilly, Sapnap was stupid, his friends and the girls he hung out with were even more stupid, he's a player and he's rude, also he isn't even smart,

DONT talk shit in public were Y/n can hear you.
OR you'll be sorry :)

Now to the fun matters.
In a week you would be on the field again and you would be re-meeting SBI-high, this time you would win, fair and square.

A thought flashed your mind.
You realllyyyy needed that one CD that was a limited edition, old and now re-selling in a small antique, library-like shop.
They had CDs, books and some record players.
You hurried down the street on your bike.
They were still open, phew.

You opened the door and the bell above rung and you hurried over to the well known isle, it wasn't there.
You checked the other isles to be sure. Nowhere.
You went over to the cashier's desk, were a tall boy with brown hair stood turned, back towards you, reaching on a shelf rather high up.
He took what he reached for- the limited edition CD, last example!
The boy turned around, Wilbur?
"Wilbur! I didn't know you worked here!"
"Y/n! Nice to see you again! What brings you here?"
"I was looking for the limited edition re-selling CD and I thought this shop might've had it but I can't find it anywhere."
"Oh! You can have this one, It's the last one."
"Really?! Don't you want it." He looked sheepishly at you and scratched his neck.
"Well.. uh, actually I already have a ton of them."
What?!  You probably said that out loud cause Wilbur answered.
"Yeahh, I know, but I am a musician, if you remember, so it's pretty logical. it's very easy for me to get my hands on them." He looked at his feet
"Well then I know where I should go whenever I need a CD."
He reached over to give you the CD and you took your wallet out to pay and you noticed he only charged you $ 4
"Will, isn't this CD like $ 17?"
"Yes but I wanted to be kind, I still feel guilty about Tommy."
"Tommy..? As in the blonde, tall kid?"
"Oh well, I don't say no thanks on a discount"
He chuckled
"Well I'll se ya around Wilby."
"Did you just call be Wilby?"
"Yes. Now bye-bye!"
"Bye bye Y/n!"

And so you had your CD in the basket of your bike and rode home.


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