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Reminder: L/n= last name

Today all nerves were wracking inside you, making every move shaky

Bubbles were bubbling

Butterflies were flying

The tea was pouring over-
Wait- oh shit!

Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIIIIT

The tea you were pouring just seconds ago, was now pouring out of your cup and onto the table

Well off to a great start.

Mom came into the kitchen, wearing a towel in her hair.
"Oh hunny." She laughed as she saw the mess
"Moooom, don't laugh!"
"There is nothing to be embarrassed of, nervousness is normal."
"Well can't you see how severe this is?! I think I need hospitality and stay home."
"Haha, no. This is your time to be that one, cool, player, a star! You are not going to waste it!"
"There will be more opportunities, I'm going to be a bench nerd today anyways."
"If so, then go support your team! Don't drag yourself down like that, pie."
"Mommmmm! I told you to stop calling me that!"
"And I told you I would not listen! You're going to school and playing, that's final!"
"Ughhhh fine." You had been talking for so long that mom had already cleaned up the spilled tea

You were slowly taking in some hope, if you could play, you would do your best! And you would definitely think of your moms words.

You put some honey in your tea, the tea was still burning hot so you ran to your room, dressed really quickly. When you re-entered the kitchen your tea was a perfect temperature.

If only tea could last a little bit longer, school wouldn't start so soon.

Yeah, like school depends on tea, in you dreams, hun.

The time to go to school came and the ride? It was not as long as usual, it felt like a fourth of the normal, long, busy way.

You went inside the school after parking your bike, and gosh the school outdid themselves.

Banners hung in the roof, flags were all over the place, people were wearing the school logo hat and scarf, matching their clothes to it.

You could barley get through the crowd to your locker.
"Excuse me, I need to get through to my locker!"
"Nerd! Move!" Someone said and pushed you, you fell in the crowd and stumbled into someone.

"HEY!" The person said
"Sorry!" You hadn't come back to your balance just yet
"Oh, it's just you." He turned around
"Thank god it's you, Jared!"
"Well yeah, why?"
"Whaddya mean why?! ITS CROWDED!"
"Is it? I didn't notice, how astonishing of you!"
"Ha ha."
"Funny now, huh?! Well let's try to get to class!"
"You think?! No I would really like to keep getting pushed in the crowd."
"Dont use my own method against me!"
"Whatever you say!"

Somehow you managed to get to class just 1 minute in time, though everyone was obnoxiously loud. Everyone seemed to be talking about the game.
But why? I mean, haven't they had games of football before? Is it always this hyped?

"Yeah! I heard that too!" "Really?! Are they really coming?!" "I think so!" "EEEEEK" "Imagine if we see them!" "EEEEEK" "IM SO INLOVE" "wtf, dude?" "But I mean who isn't?"

Who is coming? Why are they such a big talk? Gotta ask someone. Yeah.

At lunch you couldn't spot you usual team, the only one's you recoginesed were the Dream nerds.

Well they probably know anyways.
You marched over to their table and they looked at you like you'd just slapped them.

"Uhm- uh. So I have a weird question... kinda"
"Ehm ok?" Dream said weirdly
"So I heard people gossiping about someone coming to the school, why is that exciting?"
"Oh was the girls talking?" Dream answered and Sapnap giggled as if he knew something.

"Yeah.. Why?" You didn't know and really didn't want to stay here, standing up.
"Well the team we're against today is coming from SBI High. Girls think their players are really hot."
"Oh- OHHH!" Your realisation mad the guys chuckle "Well thanks for the info, gotta head out now."
"Wait! Before you go, you didn't see the mail you got from the team this morning?"
"Eehhh, what mail, I barley check my mail."
"The one about team building, field placement and theory lesson." For short that was also known as TBFPT.
"Oh, I haven't seen the mail no. What are you getting at?"
"That lesson was this morning to specify who are playing today and where on the field." Shit.
"Shit! I missed that?!"
"Yup" He said casually
"Are you going to kick me from the team?"
"Nope "
"Why? I deserve it"
"Nah, I can't blame you, my mail gets bombarded so I barley check it either."
"So I'm still on the team?"
"Yes, and in fact you're playing today."
"I could have, but that would make it less funny."
"You asshole."
"Oh and you will have a punishment for missing TBFPT." Sapnap chimed in after just listening

You groaned

"What is the punishment"
"30 minutes extra gym after practice tomorrow." Dream said
"Alright cap!" You saluted and turned around to leave
"Play your best today L/n!"
"Will do cap!"

The time was ticking ever so slowly, 20 minutes left and you'd be on the field warm by up.

5 minutes, the clock was ticking rather loudly in the silent classroom, tick tack tick tock.

"You are dismissed"

Everyone ran out of the classroom to go prepare before going to the bleachers.

You went to your locker to grab you bag and head to the changing rooms.

The best thing there was that you were alone, no one else used the unisex locker room so you got a lot of peace.

You change quickly becasue the team was probably waiting for you in the boys locker room.

Luckily everyone was changed so you didn't have to see anything- weird

Dream stood tall and was talking
"Aye here they are!"
"Yes Cap!"
"Okay so because you missed TBFPT this morning, one of they guys will they'll you about your position and strats. Jared."
"Yes Cap!"
"Tell them"

"Okay so Dream thought that you should be center attacker. Next to you, you will have me and Dream. Thats all you got to know, try score and if someone is blocking you throw it."
"Got it!"

Everyone gathered in a circle, still in the locker rooms.
"Everyone do your best! Keep on fighting no matter the outcome even if we're down to 1-100. Even if we're in the lead don't stop. WHO IS GONNA WIN?"
"DREA-C-HIGH!" Then everyone screamed

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