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What are you supposed to do?

Jared is going to tell everyone and then everyone is going to know-

"Y/n?" A soft voice spoke
You hadn't realised but you were building up emotions that were turning into hyperventilating.
"Y/n." The voice spoke again but there was no response.

The figure crouched down beside you, not too close to you, hesitant to touch you, scared to trigger anything.
"Y/n, if you can hear me, nod or shake your head." You lifted a shaking thumb "okay, uhh- alright." The person was probably having an inner war, what to do, but they remained calm. A few seconds passed.

"Can you try focusing on my breathing pattern?" Slow breaths, you tried to copy but your breaths came out shaky, which panicked you. "Don't worry, just keep trying, follow my breath, in..," you inhaled "and slowly out." You exhaled.

"Could you try opening your eyes?" Had they been closed? Well you had barley noticed that they'd been shut tight. "Now, can you try naming something you're able to see?"
"G-rass." Still shaky, you'd progressed. Your gaze was fazed downwards so you didn't have to look around.

"Now tell me the colour of my hat." You didn't want to look up, which almost made your breathing pick up, but the person gave you their hat.
"Good job." The person seemed to have an old voice, by the tone it seemed like a man. Still unidentifiable. "Though, isn't there another colour on there?" There was?
"Don't worry, take your time." You held the hat and examined it, vision blurry.
"Yeah! Well done." He spoke softly, quietly, to keep you calm. "Do you see the hat pattern?" His voice was soothing.
"Absolutely, correct!" The amount of expression in that happiness just from, this?

Your vision was still blurry of tears, bare shouldered, you shuddered.
"Oh kid, you had me worried, here take my jacket in the meanwhile, you seem freezing." He reached to help you put it on, it was big.

You sat there, on the ground, with a man's jacket.
To your luck, rain started pouring down. You used your sleeve to dry your eyes.
You looked up to see the man had taken out an umbrella and held it above the two of you.


Apparently you had said that out loud because he answered.
"Yes, it's me." He had a small smile on his face
"It's ok Y/n." He sighed "whatever happened to you, you're fine now."
"No I'm not." Was your immediate response.
He was shocked

The two of you were silent, just listening to the rain pour, not making direct eye contact. It was like you were looking past him.
Sure it was awkward but it was way better this way than talking about it.

Why don't you say anything, this is your chance!
Well maybe because then Jared will tell everyone!
BECAUSE-..BECAUSE-..because, he said so?
He said so, hmm? He thinks he know something.
Well how else would he come up with the idea, the idea of something wrong?
I-I dunno.
That's what I thought, you never think anything through.

You contemplated what to do. Phil didn't seem to be leaving you anytime soon. Which, in your opinion was good.
Comforting in a way.

You didn't know what to reveal or not. What to say. What Jared would know.

"Hey Phil?" You spoke, voice soar and weak
"Yes?" He still spoke so calmly
"I-.." you took a deep breath "I have been blackmailed." He looked at you, he was probably not expecting that.
"Well, is it something I can help you with?"
"I-I don't know. He t-told me tha-."
"Shhh." He hushed you, hesitated but embraced you in a hug.
You sniffled

"Well you don't have to tell me, but I know it's enough for making you upset." His voice cracked, was he going to cry? "Y/n, I have an idea.." he spoke first. "The thing you have been blackmailed about, do it. Pretend you're into it, get information from other people about this person and.." he sighed with a smile ", Tommy would totally say this but: Uno reverse him."

This was brilliant!
"Holy warderobi Phil! This is amazing."
He chuckled and so did you.
It was dark outsid and the time had flown past. It was time to go home after this looong day.

Once home, you noticed an amazing smell from the kitchen.
"Hi mum."
"Hello darling." You hugged her and she kissed your forehead
"Muum, I'm way to old for that stuff." Heh, actually it's comforting, but she'll never know that.
"Poor you! Getting loved by their single mom! How tragic! You will never be too old for my love." She spoke sweetly and threatfully in the last sentence
"You're right! But I will be able to avoid it!" You said proudly and she laughed.
She embraced you but you escaped.
"Come here you little demon!"
She chased around in your very tiny kitchen, around the kitchen island and around the dining table.
After a while you were both out of breath.
You then looked at the table, your favourite food had been plated very well and stood there, asking to be eaten.
"You made y/f/f?!"
"Of course!" She smiled "Go wash your hands and then we can eat."
You ran into the bathroom, speedran the whole process and sat down at the dining table.

"Yumm!" You said reaching for the utensil to eat.
"Hun!" She looked at you disapprovingly.

"Alright then, you can dig in"
You fist pumped 'yesss'

You enjoyed the food and went to bed.

Lets say you fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

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