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Weeks had passed by and fall break was coming closer each day. Today your classes begin earlier than usual because of some annoying reason.

When you walked in the hallways towards class, Sapnap (as you tried to avoid) approached you.
"Hey gorgeous." He said
"Ugh, what do you want?" You said and turned a corner, him following close up.
"Relax, I just wanna talk." He said and grabbed your shoulder so you would stop walking.
"Okay?" You dragged out the y. He pulled you aside so you didn't stand in the way. "Then talk."

"Well uh.. halloween is coming up."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know that."
"Well, so there is always this carnival coming around town.." He seemed pretty tense, kept looking over his shoulder.
"Yes...?" You wanted him to say it
"Do you..uhh"
"Please just say it already class is about to begin."
You said annoyed and rolled your eyes

"Do you- UGH. You get what I mean." He tried almost as if he was desperate
"No? What do you mean?" You put on a fake act, you were gonna force it out of him by this point.
"Don't make me say it."
"If you're not gonna say anything I have to get to class, you know."
"Ugh, cmon!"

You slowly turned away to keep walking. Hah, mission accomplished: Get him to NOT ask you out.

"Wait!" You stopped "Would you accompany me to the carnival?" He spoke not very loudly
"What did you say?" You turned around with a smirk.
"Will you accompany me to the carnival? So we can get to know each other."
"Alright." You turned and walked away

In class you got some project that takes a big part of your grade. It was to write a 10+ page long essay with facts and argumentation about the World War Two. You also had to come up with good questions to compare differences in situations and such.

That was not how you wanted to spend your time before the holidays, but some teachers- ugh I can't even describe it.

The bell rang and you made your way to the cafeteria. As you sat down Dream stormed over to you, banging his fists at the table.
"I have two important things to talk about."
"Sure, why the dramatic show-up, though?"

He shrugged it off
"Anyways. First off, the free period today is a good opportunity to practice for the upcoming game next week."
"Yeah..okay, thanks for the 'opportunity' I guess." You said unsure
"That is none of your business." You said and rose from your seat to leave

He followed you out to the hallway.
"Why are you following me, looking me like a lost dog?"
"Shut up. You know you shouldn't be going to that with Sapnap. He is a real player and doesn't really care about girls feelings."
"Are you really trash talking your friend behind his back?"
"Actually- you should be going there with me."
"Wh- No."
"What do you mean no?!"
"No I am not going with you, is that hard to understand? Anyways we can move on, pretend like it didn't happen. I just want to eat lunch in peace." You walked into the cafeteria again and he stood left.

Maybe he has never been rejected before? Maybe he is used to be able to get any girl he wants. Especially with his looks and being on the football team.

When you sat down again you were joined by Jared, Oliver and Aiden.
"Hey guys." You spoke
"Whatsup?" Aiden spoke
"Not much really, classes take forever becasue of all the work." You groaned
"Yeah same." Oliver chimed in
"Plus my day so far has only gotten worse by the time." You started "first Sapnap asked me to the carnival, then we get a huge project from English class, then I go to eat lunch and wait for you but Dream stormed towards me jealous because Sapnap asked me to that carnival."
"Woah that's a lot in one day, how do you manage?" Aiden looked at you with wide eyes
"I dunno dude."
"Well my day was pretty boring. We didn't do very much in most classes." Jared spoke
"Oh my gosh," you groaned "can we switch?"
"No thank you, I quite like it."

The rest of lunch passed by smoothly and really quickly.

Then came the free period. Football time! WOOO!

As you walked towards the changing rooms, someone pushed you and you hit your head on a sharp metal edge on the wall.

You fell and hit the floor and everything went black.

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