Messy Friday

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Fast forward to when it was Friday and your school day had finally come to an end. You were prepared to have some fun with Drista.

She was already waiting for you outside of the school building.
"Drista!" you cheered and she had a huge smile on her face.
"Y/n!!" her smile was devious and she looked to be ready for some mischief.
"Are you ready for some chaos?" you spoke with hype 
"Absolutely!" she smiled

You took your bike and told her to hop onto the rear bike rack. Of course, you gave her your helmet (you came prepared).
"But Y/n! I am old enough to be without a helmet!"
"Nope, not happening."
"But Y/n! It's Lame!"
"It's not lame to have your skull smashed. Now put it on!"
"Y/n..!" she whined like a baby
"Drista no more of this discussion," you said and she huffed. "C'mon, It's not that bad, plus it's not that far anyways."
"Easy for you to say, you aren't wearing a helmet!"
"You are wearing mine," you stated, it was quiet for a while, then you started talking.

She quickly got over her annoyance and irritation as she began laughing whilst you spoke on the way to her house.

It wasn't going too bad.

Drista led you into her house and immediately introduced the idea of baking. You let her choose what to bake.
"Let's bake cupcakes!" her eyes glistened
"Alright, that's simple enough," you said and took out a recipe on your phone.

When it was time to crack the eggs, Dream entered the kitchen. Drista took the flour bag and took a handful.
"..Drista, I don't think that's a great idea, maybe we should-" you started but she threw the flour at him, the kitchen island now covered in flour.
Dream ran straight at her, aiming for the flour bag.

"Guys maybe we should just-" As you tried to speak Drista threw flour at you, coating your figure. You even had your mouth open enough to get some flour in there too.

You quit trying to communicate out of this and took some flour and threw it to get in the faces of the siblings.

Revenge was bittersweet and short-lived because you just created two enemies, who were charging at you.

You screeched and ran around the kitchen island but they were smart and split up to cut you off.
"Please, NO!" you cried-screeched.
"There's no way out now N/n," Both of them said, their grins growing.
"NO!" a cloud of flour erupted in the kitchen, your hair was not y/h/c anymore, it was white, and you looked like a ghost.

The laughter from the siblings was never-ending and Dream fell to the floor clutching his stomach.
"I can't believe you Drista! I thought we were on the same team!" you clutched your hands at your chest.
"Time changes Y/n!" she spoke smiling
"Yeah, Y/n!" Dream said sassily doing a pose where he was leaning on one leg, one of his hands on his hip, the other half in the air.
To that, the three of you burst out laughing.


Dream gave you a towel and showed you the way to the bathroom. He left you to clean yourself and he told you to use whatever you needed in the shower.
"Alright thanks!" you'd responded.
The flour was making a trail on the floor, falling off of you with every movement.
The water didn't make it any better either, the flour got all moist and stuck to you.

In the meanwhile of your cleaning, the two of them had the pleasure to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

Drista had lent you some clothes, which fit fairly well, the shirt was a little tight but it worked. Dream had given you some just in case the clothes wouldn't fit, which of course was very friendly.
You determined whether to go with a more comfortable shirt or to live with a little tight shirt for one evening.

Comfort took over your pride and you switched. Drista was about the same height as you so the sweats fit, you were just a tad bit more athletic in the upper part of your body which made sense.

The time had only turned 5 so you chatted with the others about ordering pizza from Domino's.

When the Pizza arrived, you gave a small tip to the delivery guy and closed the door.
"Guys, let's eat!" you said and put the pizza on the dining table.

"Drista, please stop trying to smash your pizza into Dream's face." You spoke as Dream laughed as well as hitting Drista to smack her arms away from himself.
You sitting across from them wasn't the best choice but it was at least a little entertaining to watch.

"Dream, stop hitting your sister." You said then a lightbulb appeared over your head. "Well, it seems you two are too immature to eat up. I guess there will be no dessert." The two of them immediately stopped dead in their tracks.
"What?!" Dream said chuckling nervously
"NO Y/N! You can't do this to us! To ME!" Drista said dramatically.
"Well, you guys won't listen so it's time I go alone, you haven't finished your food," you said and rose from your seat, turning away, smirking.

You ended up waiting for them anyways, when they finished, they both looked ready to get ice cream.
"Let's go find an ice cream parlor!" Drista said cheerfully
"Alright!" You said, ready to head out
"Let's go!" Dream was acting like a child, but you just smiled at it.


When it was 11 pm you decided it was time to round off the day, knowing Drista, she was probably going to drag out on everything.

It seemed you were right. Not only was she dragging out on it, but Dream was also distracting her, knowing you would get annoyed. I guess a chaotic duo does that.
When Drista was ready to head to bed the clock had turned a little past 12 pm.

Laying in your sleeping bag on the floor, your mind was racing miles. All you did was stare into the ceiling, thinking.

You were older, sure, and sometimes it made you feel more like a babysitter rather than a friend, but she was truly a joy to be around. Being there, getting to hang out with both her and her brother wasn't so bad.

Slowly, sleep made itself known when your eyelids got heavy and you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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