chapter 36 job ,friendship ,proposal

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The next day Arohi gets ready a little bit early as she has to take a cab to her office, her car is still not shifted here.

  When she reached the ground floor, a man in a chauffeur dress came near her.

  "Good morning mam, I am here to pick you up for the office shall we mam 

    Wait, it means my office has arranged for my travelling too 

  Yes mam, as you are new in our city, and you didn't have your vehicle yet so they are giving you this facility for some days.

  Hmmm ok 

    When she reached the new office the boss welcomed him warmly. He updated her with her work details and then he called his secretary Liza from the intercom present in the room.
     Soon a girl in her mid-twenties entered the cabin ' Liza she is miss. arohi vashisth she is joining us from today please show her the cabin"

'Sure sir, this way mam "

    She was escorted to her new cabin, her jaw dropped as it was a lavish cabin even better than the boss's cabin.

      She Asked the secretary of boss ' liza are you sure this is my cabin ."

   Yes mam

 " Hmm ok, thank you."

   "See you at lunchtime in the cafeteria miss vashisth."

  "Please call me arohi "

"Ok then it's liza for you too, see you bye "

  " Bye "

  Arohi got settled on the chair and she was still thinking about the whole week's happenings. Sudden transfer unexpected promotion lavish flat and now this cabin she found something very fishy as she is not being so lucky for all this.

    Anyhow she started focusing on the work, here comes the next surprise she's given only two files to complete ., whereas she has to complete 30 files daily in Pune.

     It was an hour job for her so she completed it and left for the boss's cabin.

  " Sir, I have completed this."

  "Ooh, really you are fast in your work. I am impressed."

   "  Thank you sir can you give me my other pending work "

    ' No. I mean it's almost lunchtime so you should have your lunch first then I will send the work to you " her boss Mr Mehra said in a soft tone.

    Arohi nodded at him and left for the cafeteria. 

    As soon as she left the boss's cabin, Mr Mehra connected the call. 
    "Hello sir, Rajiv sir ... mam is asking for more work. I made an excuse of lunchtime for now but tell me what I should do."

    "  Let me talk to my boss then I will tell you."

      Rajiv conveyed the message to ronn who returned after attending a tiring meeting ." Hmm, she finished two files sill she wants more,  "

  "  But sir if we should not give her work then she will be suspicious  "

     'Hmm! okay then tell him to give her one file more ok but not more than that I don't want my angel to be stressed or tired "

   "Fine sir ."

  "And what about her lunch I hope everything is arranged perfectly "

"Yes sirr "

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