chapter 54 wedding

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Ranvijay was looking at his wife who was shedding silent tears while sitting in the corner of the hotel suite. He was feeling bad for her. He knows that he is the real culprit for her pain but he just believes everything is fair in love. 

Ronn decided to give her some privacy, some just told shruti to stay close to arohi.

    For the past half hour, Shruti was sitting beside her and listening to her sobs. As a woman, she knew how hard it must be for Arohi to bear the hatred of her own family. Especially When Arohi did all this to save them only..she couldn't hold it more and side hugged arohi to calm her 

    "  Di… please stop crying di "

     " I lost my brother today, Shruti, he hates me now. You know he always stood by my side in every situation. He was the only one who never raised a finger on me ……. today he slapped me.   Why I don't deserve any love in life shruti. Today I lost the most precious relationship  of my life, my adi bhai."

   Shruti got tears in her eyes listening to her words, after consoling her for some time she made arohi drink some juice and gave her medicine to sleep .as arohi was not ready to eat anything.

   After arohi got asleep shruti reached go ronn who was busy at work 

" Sir mam is asleep now, she had some juice and I gave her medicine too. "

& Hmm okay for now, but make sure that she will have dinner."

   "  Yes sirr, actually I want permission. I ordered some gifts for my family members from here. Can I go to pick them up? I mean it will not take much time". 

" Yes, you can go but we gave a flight in a few hours so be back in time."

  "Thank you sirr."   shruti left the hotel.

 The night the journey started, Ronn settled arohi in the bedroom of the jet so that she could take a rest. 

   It was midnight when they reached Mumbai, Arohi was quiet throughout the journey, her eyes turning glossy now and then.

      Soon they reached the farmhouse which was on the outskirts of Mumbai. Ronn arranged dinner in arohi 's room as he wanted to discuss something important with her.

       Arohi was not having any appetite but sitting in front of ronn and refusing him was not a nice thought so she just gave in. After completing dinner. Ronn started his talk.

"  Tomorrow we are leaving for a resort in Mahabaleshwar. Our wedding rituals will start the day after tomorrow...  Arohi you are going to meet my family tomorrow so please compose yourself. My family was only informed about our fake love story…. I made them understand that your family disagrees with this marriage... So just play along with my statements.&


Arohi just nodded yes.

"     Well tomorrow we will leave in the evening, and shruti has booked some pre-wedding parlour treatments for you. I told her and I am telling you too if you do not agree with any treatments then just refuse them. Ok, you don't need to bear any pain or trouble."

      Arohi again nodded at him, Ronn stood up and got close to her, he tugged a hair strand behind her ear and whispered close to her.

  "As you didn't need any treatment to look beautiful, you are beautiful in and out, and trust me I love you for who you are hmm "

     Arohi was feeling nervous about his closeness, sweat beads appeared on her forehead. Ronn was keenly wondering about her face, he chuckled at her nervous state. He just kissed her forehead.

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