chapter 73 love couple

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That day ronn behaved rudely with his staff he was getting angry about little mistakes. Rajiv understood that he is in a bad mood, so he just focused on saving his own life.

It was late evening when ronn returned home, he entered the bedroom and found arohi was sitting between lots of shopping bags and was in discussion with shruti who was suggesting something.

When arohi spotted his presence she gave a warm smile at him which ronn ignored and left for the closet .looking at his mood shruti was smart enough to excuse herself and she left the room quickly.

Arohi took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she knew the reason for ronn 's rude behaviour. But she cannot lose control over her anger as it will be no help for her and will make the situation more miserable.

After some time ronn came out of the shower and directly headed towards the dining room without giving a glance at arohi.

Arohi followed him to the dining room, all the dinner time there was a thick silence in the dining room. Arohi didn't start any conversation as she already saw his reaction to her smile she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the house helpers

That night arohi chose to talk with ronn she didn't understand why ronn is making a big issue of her Nainital trip.
She waited till 12 but ronn didnt show up so she decided to look for him.

When she enters saw the light of the study room on so she peeked inside and found ronn busy with some video call looks like some meeting is going on.

Arohi quietly left for the bedroom and got under the covers, soon sleep engulfed her.

     The next day arohi woke up from sleep to the sharp sunlight that was peeping into her room, she sit up with her and check on the time.

  She was late very late, she rushed for completing her morning chores and then reached the dining room. Ronn was not present there, the maid informed her that Ronn already left for his office.

       Arohi lost her appetite for breakfast and just gulped a glass of juice. Arohi was irritated by the way ronn was avoiding her, .in young age she always uses to witness how Adi Bhai use to get disturbed at the topic of vaidehi bhabi 's trip to her parent's place.

She still has clear memories of the way they use to fight on this topic, it usually happens during summer vacations. That time she use to laugh at this argument as she finds it very silly. But now she can realize what her bhabhi must have gone through.

   She kept all the thoughts aside and started with her packing., as she was leaving early morning the next day.

     That night when arohi was waiting for ronn, shruti informed her that ronn is going to be late tonight., as he has met with some important delegates

    But arohi knew the real reason she was feeling disheartened was that ronn doesn't even wish her goodbye or a happy journey., she cursed herself for thinking rubbish as he is not even talking with her.

To date, arohi presumed herself as the most stubborn human being but this man Ranvijay sahay beat her in that too.

      That night arohi didn't wait for him as she has to leave early morning.

The next morning arohi won't up to the sound of alarm she checked for ronn but he was not in the bedroom she left his matter as she want to reach out to her brother for rakhi.

Shruti arrived on time to pick arohi for the airport, soon they reached the airport where the jet was waiting for them. As arohi entered the jet her eyes got widened in surprise, she blinked her eyes twice to confirm the news in front. As won't was sitting in the receiver enjoying his tea.

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