Chapter 35

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"Hello Lydia,"

"What are you doing here?" I asked and quickly picked up the groceries.

"I came to check on my girls, and looks like Mama got a job," The last part he said almost grudgingly. Our secret was out, he would be angry that Mama was working and being a caretaker. 

"I like it, I get extra cash, don't have to worry your father." She said firmly.

"I'm gonna have Angelo give you cash every week. I don't want to hear that you're working out here again." Felix said and pulled out an envelope that I could only imagine was money. My heart dropped, he said Angelo's name with such familiarity. Angelo who was Luca and Gianna's older brother. 

"How do you know Angelo?" I asked.

"You think I would let my Mother and my only sister come to a new city by themselves with no one looking out for them?"

Of course, Felix was everywhere. there was no escaping my brothers control. How could I even think he would let us go so easily without having something up his sleeve. How did he know Angelo?

"Don't worry about it." 

That famous line. 

"You freaking mafioso," I huffed and walked to the kitchen to put away the groceries. 

Felix chuckled and rolled his eyes at my accusation. Of course, deny deny deny. I had freaking Tony Soprano as a brother but somehow the greatest crime of all was dating a boy.

I heard my brother and mother arguing a little over the money but I knew ultimately my mother would take it. She kissed Felix on the cheek and squeezed him tight. 

"I missed you," she smiled. I felt so awkward. I loved my brother, and we left on such bad terms. DId he hate me for leaving? He certainly never reached out to me. Then again I never reached out to him so maybe he was being his usual proud self. 

"Come here kid," He gestured to me once my mom was done squeezing him half to death. 

I walked towards him, these thoughts racing through my mind, and immediately washed away once I was enveloped in the familiar embrace of my biggest brother. I felt tears well up almost immediately. Not that we were particularly affectionate at home, but I hadn't hugged any of my brothers in a month and I forgot what a safe feeling it was. No matter what the situation. It was a confirmation that everything is okay. 

"I missed you," Felix said gruffly and the tears that were welling up brimmed over. It was too much to hear that. 

My shoulder shook ever so slightly and he instantly knew I was crying. He pulled me back to search my face.

 "What's wrong?" He asked, that question of course triggering another mountain of sobs. My mom looked away and left the room, seeing me in tears was too much for her. 

"N-nothing." I wiped at my face as best as I could but the tears were still coming.

"Do you miss your family?" He grinned. Asshole.

"No," I snapped and tried to walk away but he pulled me in for another hug.

"Awww, Sorellina, we miss you too." He chuckled.

 "Is that why no one calls?" A month's worth of attitude came rushing out.

"You can't pick up a phone?" He looked back with the same angry face I had on.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and straightened myself. 

"You know, your reasons for leaving aside, I'm proud of you." Not what I was expecting at all.

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