Chapter 8- Breakfast

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I stared at the empty plate before me, avoiding Felix's eyes. There were fourteen plates in total at the table, which meant Mama expected all fourteen members of our family to be down here, which was slightly optimistic considering our new guests were probably experiencing jet lag.

"Sei sicuro che stanno scendendo Mama? I'm sure they're too jet lagged." I asked if she was sure they were coming down.

"Che non vuole alimentare?" She asked who wouldn't want food, as if I was a crazy person.

"Okay," I raised my hands up in surrender. I guess I underestimated my families obsession with food.

Joe was the first one down, followed by a groggy George.

"Good morning Mama," He kissed my mother and sat next to me kissing my cheek too.

"Buongiorno," George hugged my mother.

Like that an entire procession of my family trickled down the stairs, everyone sitting and greeting eachother good morning, I stayed silent, except when greeting my aunt and uncle.

I was so embarassed over last night, it was quite possibly the worst way to greet your family again for the first time in ages.

Everyone filled their plates and talk of the restaurant and school erupted. Our size was almost doubled and so had the noise at our table. To outsiders it must seem chaotic but to me it felt even more perfect than before, I was grateful for my huge family, whether they hated me right now or not.

I looked all around the table, each group of people having different conversations, so entertaining to watch.

"I can't wait to introduce you to the babes at our school," Melvin said to Mickey, "Magnifico!" He brought his fingers to his mouth and kissed it like an old italian man describing food.

"Gross," I huffed under my breath.

"You got a girl back home?" Melvin asked Michael.

"You know I had a lot of girls but I don't do long distance," He smirked, "I'm looking forward to entering the American pool of eligible women,"

"My man," Melvin fist bumped Mickey and I cringed at their gross behavior. If I wasn't on such bad terms with Melvin I would say something, but I let them be their gross playboy selves and kept my mouth shut.

"You can come check out the restaurant on monday, Maria can show you where we keep them," I only caught the last part of my Dad's conversation with my uncle in rapid italian. My uncle nodded and the men sat back and scanned the table, marveling at the family they created, my father's scanning eyes stopped on me but addressed George.

"George you're in Lydia's grade ah? I hope you have some classes together," My father said.

 I nodded at him, remaining silent, I didn't know where I stood with him, whether he was okay with what happened or was just pretending to be okay to spite Felix. I glanced at Felix and he was continuing his conversation unbothered.

As if no one had spoken.

"I hope so too," George grinned at me and I forced a smile, that was the last thing I needed. Thinking about it more I realized it might be nice to have a brother figure who didn't hate me.

"Don't hang out with her friends, hang out with mine, I swear we're cooler," Joey said to George and I smiled and smacked his arm. He laughed and continued talking to George about the school's robotics team, I would be concerned about bullies if he wasn't a Tonelli. 

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