Chapter 34- Visit

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"Yeah so then Melvin said 'blah blah' something called stalk and Leo realized Lexi meant chicken stock but when Melvin googled 'stalk' he just saw picture of plants so he FUCKING CUT A BRANCH OFF A HOUSE PLANT AND PUT IT IN THE SOUP!" Joseph screamed through the phone and I burst into laughter.

"Stop my stomach hurts!" I screeched.

"Who the fuck does that?" 

"He's so dumb!" I wheezed between fits of laughter.

"It just made me so mad. Why would he think 'yeah this is a good idea let me put a tree branch in the soup'?"

"I don't know!" I clutched my stomach.  I was facetiming Joey at midnight, 9 o'clock his time. 

"I googled it too to see what his thought process was and there WAS A PICTURE OF CELERY. There was a row of plant pictures and then a PICTURE OF CELERY. He saw that and decided no celery doesn't belong in soup, a branch does."

"I'm sorry that happened to you." I said finally catching my breath. I wish I was there to witness that, but I was happy I didn't have to taste the tree soup.

"Yeah now Melvin is not allowed to cook so once a week is pizza night." 

"There's a silver lining," I smiled at him.

"Yeah," he said and his face suddenly contorted


"I'm sorry we ambushed you in the car today," He said. I immediately tensed up.

"Lexi shouldn't have done that," I said plainly, it pissed me off but the slight reassurance my brothers still cared about my existence was comforting.

"I know, she said she was gonna call you  and apologize later."

"Yeah on speakerphone probably, with Melvin, who won't even pick up the phone and call me himself." I snapped.

"Okay okay no more family talk I'm sorry, Joey and Lydia conversations only." Joe said trying to calm me down. We had agreed not to talk about my brothers because it only caused arguments between us and we were the only ones on good terms. 

"Thank you."

"How's Mama?" Joey asked.

"She's good," I said, not giving too many details. My mother didn't want any of the boys to know she had a job out here. She knew the boys would lose their shit, send over money and work even harder over there. She wanted them to save for themselves, "Joey I'm really tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep," I was a horrible liar and didn't want to spill Mama's secret.

"Wait I have one last thing you may wanna know," He said looking a little worried. Whatever it was sounded like it would give me unnecessary anxiety.

"I would rather wait to hear it tomorrow Joe," I sighed.

"If you say so."


I woke up to my alarm, it was time to start my day, I made Rosa breakfast and did my homework while her physical therapist came to exercise with her.

"When can I go back to the YMCA?" She complained.

"When you are no longer a fall risk," Her PT replied. 

"When am I gonna not be a fall risk?" She insisted. 

"When I say so." She said flatly. Her PT gave her just as much attitude as she gave her.

"What do you know," She waved dismissively.

"Come on Rosa, two more weeks and we check back in to see how you're doing and we'll see if YMCA is in your future.

Life of a Little Sister 2- Available on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now