Chapter 39- Big Sister

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"You hung out with Lexi?" Greg said attempting small talk. We were in the car on the way home.


"You good?" 

"Yeah." I attempted to not look as numbed as I felt. I tried to smile.

"I thought you would be happy to go to lunch with everyone. What happened?" He knew something was up. I was not good at hiding it and I didn't want to hide it at this point.

"I want to tell you but I need you to not be big brother Greg, I need you to be big sister Greg." 

"What the hell does that even mean?" He laughed.

"You know what it means," I laughed despite the dread I felt. 


"I saw Damon."



"I feel like shit now. I don't even know what that interaction was." I vented.

"What happened exactly?" Greg was doing a good job of reacting normally to me venting about a guy. I was slightly concerned I never actually recovered from my concussion and this was just me in a coma months later imagining things. 

"Before I left we agreed we'd figure things out when I got back but that we were putting a pause on it for now." 

"So he can sleep with other girls." He said flatly.


"Sorry, yeah so you could both "process" uhuh sure, go on."

I rolled my eyes but continued.

"I just went up to him, he didn't even see me, and we said hi but it was weird. Like we were strangers. He asked about New York, but it wasn't like he actually wanted to know, he just felt like he had to ask. And when I told him about it he kept making sarcastic comments, and making me feel like I should shut up and never bring up New York again." 

"Okay," He said thoughtfully.

"He was upset that I didn't contact him while I was in New york." 

"You didn't?" He seemed surprised to hear that.

"No I didn't, you guys weren't the only ones I was avoiding. I didn't want anything to do with anything from home. I wanted a clean break. I wanted a chance to breathe. I didn't want any guy telling me what to do and not to do. I needed space from everyone." 

"Did you get your space?" 

"I mean, I got the illusion of space. Felix sent his spies after me." I rolled my eyes. 

"I heard about that," He tried suppressing a smile. 

"Yeah. Well." I scoffed.

"So you pretty much got your space." He repeated.

"Yeah, I did. I was suffocating, and in New York I could breathe. I want to explain it all to Damon, he knew it mostly. He saw how it was in our house, he knew how overwhelming it got." 

"He said that?" His cool demeanor was wearing off.

"Big sister," I reminded him sternly.

"How dare he," He said in a high pitch voice. We both laughed and he said, "Go on." 

"So he knows, and I was excited to tell him about it. How I felt independent, all the places I went. He made me feel bad for even wanting to tell him anything." I sighed.

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