Chapter A

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Hi all, please read <3

I have something that I cannot sit quietly about. I need to share with you as I have always done in the past about my people. We are small compared to other minorities therefore we do not get any national media coverage. At best local news covers because I live in the largest pop of Armenians outside of Armenia. So it is my responsibility to use my platform.

Armenians are being attacked globally by the same people who tried to massacre us time and time again. (See all Chapter G posts in both books) Azerbaijan, our neighboring country, has violated a cease fire agreement AGAIN during a global pandemic. They bombed schools where preschool aged children go, and a mask making factory. DURING A PANDEMIC. Azerbaijan claims we violated the cease fire first but Artsakh is an impoverished territory, and would never start a war when we are quite clearly smaller and surrounded on all sides.

The location in question is Artsakh, or Nagorno Kharabagh. The history of Artsakh is long and complicated but the basics are that during the Soviet Union this territory of Armenia was given by Stalin to Azerbaijan even though it has always been ARMENIAN land. To this day it continues to be ARMENIAN land, it has a 95% Armenian population. It has been for thousands of years and will continue to be Armenian land.

Azerbaijan committed crimes of ethnic cleansing like their brother country Turkey throughout the 20th century. Ie) look up Sumgait pogroms. There have been wars fought to protect the people of Artsakh, and they have agreed on a cease fire that has been violated.

I cannot express the pain we feel when our motherland is at stake and our people are dying at the hands of those who want to erase us from earth. Azerbaijan and Turkey want to turkify the entire region, including the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds. For hundreds of years they have been massacring groups in the region.

Due to this new breach of ceasefire from the Azeris it has stirred global unrest and Azeris are committing hate crimes all over the country. In Moscow they beat an old Armenian man, held another at gunpoint, Vandalized a grade school in San Francisco.

I am living in a world where my existence as an Armenian woman is defiance and I will not be silenced.

You will not get rid of me, you will not get rid of my culture, you will not erase my people from history as much as you may try. As many times as you put your hands on our women, beat our elderly, threaten our men at gunpoint. You will not win.

There has been a huge wave of social media activism, and I know the world is in shambles right now, but I beg you to spend a few minutes today learning about this conflict. I have done my best to post educational info on my personal socials about BLM, Palestine, Yemen, the muslim concentration camps in China, the freedom of speech violations in Phillipines, ICE detention centers etc etc. The world is drowning right now. It's overwhelming. Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere.

The president of Turkey just announced yesterday that he is planning on finishing what his ancestors started. He is threatening Genocide. We cannot sit quietly while these monsters are in power.

Some readers commented asking why i always post about the genocide that happened 100 years ago, it is because Armenians are still targeted today because the perpetrators have not been held accountable.

In 2003 an Armenian was axed to death by an Azeri man in his sleep while serving in Hungary (look up Ramil Safarov). He was pardoned and welcomed home as a hero, Azeri's are taught that killing an Armenian is the highest honor. Azeris are taught in school from a young age that Armenia an Armenians are the enemy, whereas Armenians are taught that their government is to blame, not the people who are brainwashed.

Impact on instagram has a great slide show that i put in the photo part of this chapter so check it out! its called "What is happening in Armenia" a link in their bio if you would like to find ways to help at this time.

I cannot link articles so please google Nagorono Karabagh 2020 conflict to read articles. Make sure you are reading unbiased sources! Or visit the #StopAzeriaggression hashtag on twitter or instagram.

If you read this far thank you <3

(already preparing for the azeri trolls in the comments)

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