Chapter 24 The walk (the plank)

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"No no, can't have you sleeping can we." Someone shook me. He looked like a paramedic. He placed a bulky brace over my neck. had somehow ended up on the edge of an ambulance.

"We're going to stabilize your neck just to make sure you don't injure yourself more okay sweetie?" A woman said this time.

"I'm fine," I managed to mumble, "My neck doesn't hurt."

"This is just protocol, you don't seem to have a neck injury but we have to put this on just to be safe."

"Where is she?" I heard a calm voice say. I looked up and saw a face, it took me a moment to register it was Leo.

"Povera Bambina," He said looking at my neck brace.

"Are you her guardian?"

"One of them," He said.

"We've got the two suspects in the car cuffed," Said an officer to what looked like Felix, but at this point I could have been Felix and I wouldn't have realized.

"They're saying their her siblings, do you recognize them?"

"No officer, go ahead and take them down,"

"Felix!" Leo exclaimed.

"Li prenderemo la mattina," We'll get them in the morning, he said.


"Enough," He put his hand up and Leo was silent.

"We can take her from here," He turned to the paramedic and said.

"She should see a doctor, just in case she has some hemorrhaging, not likely but better safe than sorry," Said the paramedic.

"We'll take her there right away," Leo smiled at the female paramedic, she blushed, Leo looked like he was blushing too, or was my vision going red from internal bleeding.

"Can we get this show on the road," I said slightly deliriously.

"Of course bambino, vieni qui," he said come here and carried me towards the car.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked.

"Yeah my brothers tried to kidnap me, gave me a brain hemorrage, and I'm doing just fine, grazzie a Dio!" I snapped. I was starting to feel more of myself.

"Oh our sarcastic sorellina is back, she doesn't need the doctor," Leo chuckled.

*At the Hospital*

"Okay so she seems to be doing okay, mild concussion. When you get home no electronics, as little stimulation as possible, fluids and a lot of bed rest. You should be as good as new in a couple days." The doctor said while removing the neck brace the paramedics put on.

"So no brain bleed?" I asked.

"No," She smiled, "Ice the bump, there's no lacerations so no risk of infection. If your head is hurting too much, split a tylenol in half and take that, nothing else."

"Thank you Dr," Leo smiled, "I have a random question." He stuttered.

Leo stuttering?

"Sure," She smiled.

"Do you know the names of the paramedics by chance?" He asked, I knew it, that was a blush and not my brain bleeding into my eyeballs.

"Sorry I can't give out employee information," She smiled sadly.

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