Chapter 26- The great Escape

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There she was in all her blonde glory.

"Lydia," She screamed. I flung open the window and she saw me.

"I'm here," I hissed, trying not to alert anyone else.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She hissed back catching on, "Are you grounded?"

"No actually this isn't because of that, Melvin and Marcus kidnapped me and then I got a concussion and then I went to the hospital and then I was on house arrest. Well I am still on house arrest."

Lexi just stared at me blankly.

"Get the fuck out of here," She finally said.

"No I swear, they haven't let me out of my room in 3 days, but I'm better now and I'm coming down." I popped open the screen on the window and handed it back to Joe.

"Lydia you know this is a dumb idea, you know that right?" Joseph said.

"Yes I know," I smiled and he took the screen from me, "Cover for me?"

"Fine," He rolled his eyes and I jumped from excitement.

I put my foot on the ledge of the window, I looked below at Lexi nervously looking to make sure no one would walk out and see us.

"Hurry up!" She hissed.

"I've never done this before you asshole give me a second," I looked at the floor, it was a steep drop, steep enough to break my leg if I fell wrong.

"Do you have a ladder?" Lexi asked.

"How should I know?"

"We do it's in the back, it's under the vines on the side of the house, Marcus used to sneak out all the time and hide the ladder."

I rolled my eyes, of course he did.

Lexi found the ladder and dragged it over, it was rusted.

"Am I going to get tetanus?"

"I guess Marcus hasn't snuck out in a while." Joe laughed.

I climbed down the ladder reaching Lexi and tasting sweet freedom.

*In Lexi's car*

We had been in Lexi's car for a few hours just talking and explaining what had happened to me and what everyone assumed had happened. 

"I'll bring you back before they even notice you're gone," she assured me.

"Okay good," I sighed, "They haven't been checking in on me that much anyway, honestly it's only Joe that really comes and hangs out. I'm not sure if that's because he loves me or he wants to practice being a doctor. He's suddenly been a walking talking Web MD on me."

"Oh god," Lexi laughed, "What a cutie. That's really terrible that they don't check in on you."

"Well Melvin and Marcus are just scared of me,"

"As they should be."

"And Leo does drop in occasionally,"

"He is the nicest one." She nodded.

"Felix is Felix," I didn't really have to explain that one to Lexi, "But Greg, I would have thought maybe he would be less mad at me considering he's the reason I got "kidnapped" and taken to the hospital in the first place.

"He's just mad Lydia," She sighed. 

"I forgot you have the inside scoop," I rolled my eyes, I was sure Melvin had no problem telling Lexi how mad my entire family was with me.

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