Chapter 15- Unresolved

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Lexi's advice was ringing through my ears as I walked through the house.

"Have you seen Damon?" I asked Ria when I saw her.

"That way," She giggled and pointed up with her right hand, in her left a red cup.

"Oh god, you've drank too much," I took the cup from her hand and led her to a chair, "So you haven't seen him?"

She kept pointing up.

"Sweetheart up is not a direc-"

My heart dropped.

He was upstairs. There was only one reason someone would go upstairs at a party.

I threw the cup to the floor, rage flooding through me, how could he after what we just did go upstairs with another girl? How could he have the audacity to hook up with someone the same night we-

"Whass wrong?" Ria asked confused.

"Nothing!" I snapped and stormed off in search of Lexi. I pushed through crowds and saw her with Melvin sitting on couch talking.

"He's screwing someone upstairs I know it!" I yelled, not even caring that Melvin was next to her.


"That bitch he was with, are you kidding me?" I screeched.

Melvin's brain was working in overdrive trying to figure out what I was saying, his brow furrowed until it hit him. His face was shocked.

"Lydia why do you still care, you guys are broken up right?" He asked, "Right?"

"Melvin I have no fucking time for this!" I yelled and Lydia got up and came to my side.

"Lexi!" He shouted standing up.

"Yes jesus Melvin they're broken up!" She hissed, "Lydia don't go up there and don't do anything stupid," She pleaded.

"How could he fucking do that to me?"

"He's an asshole," She was desperately trying to calm me down.

"I'm calling him until he answers."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Go away Melvin!" I snapped while dialing Damon's number.

"Girl problems Melvin, it's better if you leave now before it gets messy," Lexi put her hand on his arm.

"O-okay?" He said confused but listened to Lexi.

Before Lexi he would have kicked my ass until I told him, clearly there was more to their relationship that she let on.

"He listens to you but not to me that's nice," I huffed phone to my ear, it took me straight to voicemail, "He probably put it to do not disturb that fucker!"

"Lydia let's think about this logically," She said as I redialed, "Do you really want to start this after all that happened?"

"We hooked up Lexi, and he goes and hooks up with another girl the same night,"

"What was the last thing you said to him?"

"Voicemail!" I redialed.


"I said we can't start this again okay!"

"So you see how he could have been hurt by that? I'm not saying I'm on his side but maybe it's not all his fault."

Life of a Little Sister 2- Available on AmazonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon