Chapter 28-Let him come

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I ran out the door as soon as she said that, I didn't want to know what mess was erupting inside, but I could hear yelling as soon as the door shut. 

I saw Damon's car, he was outside, leaning on the passenger side door with a bouquet of pink roses. 

"Damon!" I screeched and barreled into him. I hadn't seen his face is so long, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he sprinkled kisses all over my cheek and neck, like he too was ecstatic to see me. 

"Hi angel," He breathed once I pulled back and put my forehead on his.

I kissed his lips, they were just as soft as I remembered. He kissed me back and soon our lips were moving together slowly at first. My eyes closed lazily, and my hands moved straight to his hair. 

He grabbed my hips and brought me flush against him. I started feeling warmth I had never felt before. I wrapped my arms around his neck to get as close as possible. Our lips moved faster, his mouth was almost aggressive. 

He put his hands in my hair, he tugged and I let out the tiniest moan. 

Well. That felt good.

I opened my eyes and remembered I was still in front of my house. 

"My brothers," I said and put my hand on his chest.

"That's what you were thinking about?" He questioned.

"Shut up," I laughed and took a step back. I glanced back at the house, didn't look like anyone was looking through the windows.

"Lets go before they come out." I said nervously.

"Sure, but first," He stuck out the pink roses, smiling like a little kid who just handed his mom a hand made present.

"Awwwwwwww Damon," I took the flowers and hugged him tight. I kissed his cheek.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"I just missed you," he said and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I missed you too." I smiled and smelled the flowers. 

"I-" He started to say but stopped because we heard the front door jiggling like someone was going to come out. 

"Run!" I shoved him to the drivers side and I flung myself into the passengers side.

He started the car and zoomed out of my street. 

"What happened to you?" He asked once we were safely away from my house. 

"You don't even want to know," I groaned and he laughed. 

"I thought you were mad at me, or your brothers convinced you not to date me." He said nervously and then it made sense why he bought flowers and was so quick to be at my house.

"Awww Damon you thought I would leave you?" I grabbed his hand and kissed it, "My poor baby."

"Hey," He growled and took his hand back, "I'm a grown ass man." He said playfully.

"'Man', sure," I laughed and he smiled and put his hand back in mine.

"So are you going to tell me what happened or what." He said impatiently.

"I got a concussion," I sighed. 

"What the hell? How? You're basically a sloth you don't exercise how could you possibly get a concussion."

"Excuse me!" I said outraged, "I am not a sloth!"

"You're right you're not a sloth, you're a very beautiful," He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, but I stayed quiet, I am not a sloth! It was hard to stay even playfully mad when I missed him so much. He kissed my hand and bit hard on on my fingers. I yelped.

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