Chapter 6-Greg's secret

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"So let's talk," I said after a long silence.

I was sitting on my bed and Greg was on my desk chair. We had been sitting in silence still tense from our arguments before. It was a weird experience not to be as close to Greg as I usually was, I knew it would be hard to gain back his trust.

"What do you want to know?" He sighed.

"I want to know why Felix and Dad hate each other, and I want to know what happened with you that Felix mentioned. I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore." I said firmly.

"Oh you don't want secrets?Thats a good joke." He snapped.

"Maybe I wouldn't keep secrets if you guys had open conversations with me,"

"How have we not been open? We've always tried to include you and teach you things,"

"Yeah teach me that boys were evil and that leggings are the devils pants, not very educational if you ask me," I huffed, he was being so difficult.

"Okay we're getting off topic," he closed his eye and focused, "You have questions,"

"Yes I do, please answer them instead of wasting my time, but I guess I have a lot of that because of this bullshit punishment," he rolled his eyes.

"Claws away Lydia you know what you did wrong we're past that. Now I'll tell you what I did wrong," He closed his eyes preparing himself for whatever bombshell he was going to drop in a minute.

"I was mixed up in some bad stuff my sophomore year, Marcus might remember but we tried to keep him in the dark as much as possible. I wanted to be like my older brothers but they said I was too young. So I started falling in with a few other people I maybe shouldn't have been hanging out with. I thought they were cool, and when they started doing drugs I thought this would be a great way of getting back at my brothers for abandoning me,"

I was shocked, how had I not know this?

"So I got into drugs, I thought I was cool, I was doing drugs and my brothers didn't know, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was even dealing a bit and making enough money to buy some for myself. It was all good, until my dumb ass decided it would be cool to smoke in my room. You see Felix knows everything, you know that first hand. He knew I was smoking weed, just hoping I Would come to my senses."

I was stunned, he had been dealing too and I didn't even know about it.

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