Chapter 16- Donna Maria

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Video is a girl talking about her three protective brothers :))) worth the watch

Happy Reading :)

"I need to speak with my mother."

"Lydia you have no way of going home tonight. Let's all just calm down and clear our heads for a second. There's a lot going on." Lexi tried calming me.

"I don't want to be here anymore," I shook my head. There was no way I was staying home, and there was no way I could ask my brothers to take me home without a million questions and them eventually finding out about what happened.

I looked around until I found who I was looking for.

"Anthony!" I shouted, he was walking out with his head down and ready to light another cigarette.

"Lydia no don't even think about it,"

"You know Lex for someone who encourages me to do reckless things you complain a lot when I actually do them."

"Lyla," Anthony looked up.

"Lydia!" He laughed and walked out of the house cigarette in hand. Lexi made exasperated noises behind me.

"Fine, I'm going back!" Lexi yelled when it was clear I had no intention of rejoining the party.

"My bad my bad, hows the boyf" the cigarette flared.

"Back out here I see, house got too overwhelming for you?"

"No actually I'm just heading home, can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow

"Yes actually can you take me home?"

He just started laughing, I crossed my arms.

"Whats so funny?"

"I know who you are Lydia," When I made a face he said, "Not in a creepy way dude shut up. I know your family, there's no way in hell I'd take you home and risk the fucking swat team breaking my house down."

I was taken aback, how had I not realized that he would know my brothers?

"I would love to take you home because clearly you're distraught. But number one, you just met me and you shouldn't get into stranger's cars, number two your brothers would likely kill me before they kill you, and number three, I just don't really like you all that much."

I had no other choice but to laugh it off and cover my face with my hands. My dramatic exit wasn't working out how I planned and I felt kind of stupid.

"I need to get out of this city," I groaned.

"I'm sure they'd find a way to have eyes on you even there," He chuckled.

"Yeah well I'd just have to move further."

"You know if you ask your brother and he says it's okay then I'd be happy to take you home."

I scoffed, like that would happen, I would just have to wait and suffer through the next few hours.

"No I'm just gonna sit out here then, I really have no interest in going back in there when even my best friend has ditched me."

"Come on now it can't be that bad,"

"My ex-boyfriend is upstairs with another girl that's about as bad as it gets."

"God teenage girls are so dramatic," He rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me!" I was offended, "As if you're not a teenager!"


"How old are you?!"


"You're still a teenager," I rolled my eyes, even though I wasn't expecting him to be as old as he was. He looked like a kid, not possibly older than Melvin.

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