Chapter 3- A house divided

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"Well I'm a little disappointed it took this long but I can't say I'm surprised,"


"What?" I choked out.

"You heard me, you think I wouldn't know what my baby sister is up to?" Felix slowly got up and adjusted the watch on his wrist.

Greg got up, his chair screeching behind him rage ripping through his entire body. At that all three of my cousins, walked upstairs, knowing they should leave before things got too heated.

I wished I could leave too, that I would have the option to. But unfortunately I wasn't just a bystander, I was the main event.

"You knew?" Greg shouted. Everyone paled, yelling at Felix never ended well.

"Yes," Felix said, undisturbed, continuing to fiddle with his watch.

"And you didn't say anything?" Melvin spoke up this time. Everyones eyes jumped to him, Greg was slightly understandable but Melvin was way far down the food chain.

"You knew too, let's start with that," Felix was beginning a rant that I knew would be detrimental to us all.e


"No, Marcus, Melvin, even Joseph, you knew. Did you tell me?" His voice was hitting a deadly tone, "And Greg, brother dear, don't forget who's side you're on Fratello," He spit with a deadly force. Greg would regret his outburst dearly.

"We didn't know until-"

"Until after the party you threw, defying me and manipulating Rosa?" My mouth dried how did he know about that? What else did he know?

"We wanted her to tell you, we thought she should have responsibility," Marcus reasoned.

"What about before that?" He accused, not even having to raise his voice to be frightening, "You knew she had been around this guy, this Damon kid,"

"How did you-"

"Not much goes around this town that I don't know about Sorellina," A chill ran down my spine, how did he always know.

"Leo you knew too?" Melvin questioned.

"Melvin, we know a lot of things," Leo winked at Melvin, somehow being able to be light in this fucked up situation.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked, hurt that this was just a stupid game to him.

"I was waiting for one of these idiots to notice, but of course they were blind, clearly they don't know when you're lying," Felix looked at me with a condescending expression.

"Hey we're not stupid! Lydia can have her own life, she never feels like she can tell us these things because we act like were gonna kill her for every dumb thing she's ever done. I will defend her with my life, I'm her brother and as her brother I have to protect her from everything, now I have to protect her from you man, you're taking this too far." Marcus shocked me, I never expected him to say anything like that. I shot him a grateful glance.

"Taking this too far?" Greg spoke up, "Taking it too far is having a boyfriend and doing god knows what!"

"Well is Felix god because I'm sure he knows what!" I yelled.

"Watch your mouth!" He barked.

"Make me!" I bit back, standing aggressively.

Joseph grabbed me and pulled me back, Leo put a hand on Greg's arm.

"Both of you watch it," Leo scolded.

"I'm sick of you guys discussing me, I am in charge of myself," I said with steely assurance.

"You're a child," A low voice said. I turned and saw Melvin.

"You're literally a year older than me, if I'm a child you're a child Melvin," I snapped, angered by the fact that he felt he had the right to talk.

"Okay, maybe I'm a child, that just makes you an even smaller child," He smiled without humor.

"So what now," I said ignoring Melvin idiocy, "What more did you want from me,"

"Lydia, I gave you so many chances to confess to me, so many chances, I'm disappointed in you," Felix mused.

"What?" I was annoyed, wishing he would cut to the chase.

"All of your privileges, gone," Felix said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" I screeched, "You're not even my dad!"

"Phone, friends, parties, and Netflix," My heart dropped at the last one.

"You can't do that to me," I whispered, scared if I spoke up I would cry, I couldn't  add that to the list of embarrassments in my life.

"Felix," Leo said softly, "We knew she was safe and being smart, maybe give her a pass,"

My sweet, kind brother to the rescue as always, but again it was futile.

"Pff, pass for what? For doing all kinds of things with random guys, no way, no fucking way," Greg shook his head.

"'Random guys' Greg who do you think I am?"

"I don't know who you are anymore Lydia, I can't trust you anymore that's for sure, freshmen year boyfriend was nothing compared to this, you crossed a line." Greg snapped.

"How am I suppose to keep track of all these lines you guys keep drawing?"

"Funny Lydia, very funny,"

"Okay, you're done, go up to your room," Felix ordered.

"Felix you're not my dad," I yelled.

"Where is he huh? Who's been disciplining you all these years Lydia? Wake up and smell the roses Lydia I am the man of this house, what I say goes, and I doubt Ma and pops will have any objection. Now go to your room,"

I was utterly shocked, I knew there was a rift between Felix and my parents, I called it and no one believed me.

I also knew that resisting would get me no where and going to my room and letting Felix cool down was my best bet.

I stormed off, heading towards my room, hoping I wouldn't run into any of my cousins, I didn't need to  explain myself to anyone else. I heard footsteps behind me, prompting me to walk faster, slamming my door behind me.

I grabbed the pillow off my bed and chucked it at my door violently, just as it opened, flying full force at Joseph's head.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I ran to him and grabbed his face.

"Lydia it's a pillow, I'm fine," He smiled half heartedly.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No," I laughed humorlessly.

"Thought so," He sighed.

"This is unfair."

"I know Lydia, we all know it too, well except for Melvin and Greg," Joe rolled his eyes. I thanked my lucky stars that I ended up with a brother who had my back no matter what. I could probably murder someone and Joe would show up to hide the body.

"I've turned everyone against each other," I sat on my bed, face in my hands.

"It won't last long," Joe said rubbing my back consolingly.

"I hope so, but I feel like it's gonna really mess us up Joe," I whined.

"Don't be so conceited, not everything revolves around you,"

"Shut up Joe," I laughed.

We continued to talk as I thought about how tiring this entire thing was, and how tiring the aftermath would be too. I had, to sum it up, fucked up bad, real bad.

Let's just assume from now on the day i promise, add like another day to that lol, sorry. Hope you liked it :) <3

also thank you to those who gave me covers, but the best one for me is the one above, thank you elchmeister wonderful cover <3

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