Chapter G Recognized

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Dear readers,

As you know I am Armenian, my culture is a huge part of my identity and even affects the way I write my stories. Every year on the 24th I write a "Chapter G", if you haven't read it already please do.

In a short summary I write "Chapter G" in order to use my platform to raise awareness for the Armenian Genocide. The definition of genocide is the "Mass extermination of a group of people based on ethnicity, race, or religion. The Ottoman Empire, present day Turkish government, carried the extermination of 1.5 million Armenians, 700,000 Greeks, and 300,000 Assyrian people from 1915 up until 1923.

They took our land and now only a sliver of it remains, but ruins of Armenian schools and churches still remain in Turkey, as do many Armenians who were forced to convert to Islam and lose their Armenian identity, so many "hidden Armenians" are now in Turkey.

Definition of hidden Armenians-
They are mostly descendants of the Ottoman Armenians who, at least outwardly, were islamized and Turkified or Kurdified "under the threat of physical extermination" during the Armenian Genocide.

There is a documentary called "The Hidden Cross" in case anyone is interested to go more in depth.

But back to the main point of my post.

December 12th 2019 the U.S senate passed a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, making them the 32nd country who has done so.

This has been something we have been waiting for over a hundred years. I have been going to protests since I was 2 years old ( I am now 21) to get the Genocide recognized in America and Turkey. Now that it has happened I have been in a state of shock for a few days. 

What does this mean?

Now yes the main party that we want to recognize the Genocide is Turkey. We want reparations for the land Churches homes and schools they stole, people they raped, the men they killed, and people they made march for years in a desert until they died from disease and exhaustion.

But the fact that the United States, an ally of Turkey, has recognized the Armenian Genocide is a very powerful statement, it is a statement that we will not be bullied by politics into ignoring human rights violations. 

Until the original crime is condemned history is doomed to repeat itself, and this is true with the Turkish and Cypriot conflict (which I saw first hand the effects of because I had the opportunity this summer to go to Cyprus and see the amazing country), and now Turkey is trying to do the same things with the Kurds, proving that nothing has changed.

The U.S recognizing the Genocide is a step forward in victory for human rights everywhere. It is also a step in pressuring Turkey to admit to their crimes.

Now I have nothing against the Turkish people, many are intelligent people who acknowledge the Genocide and just want to move on peacefully. For those people I am forever grateful. I hope that one day they get the government that they want, and that they will no longer be ruled by a government who is "the world leader of jailing journalists".

My only beef is with the government and the brainwashed people who will say it was a "war" with casualties on "both sides". Let me assure you this was not a war, and to prove I am not being bias please refer to sources from Non Armenian and Non Turkish sources.,, and have great articles if you just type in Armenian Genocide. 

Today I am unbelievably happy that the country that I live in has chosen to be on the right side of History. I only hope that one day we will not have any more human atrocities. 

To give this chapter the respect it deserves I will be posting the new chapter tomorrow. 

I hope you all read this and have a wonderful day :) I know I will. 

P.S turkish troll comments will be deleted so miss me with that bullshit.

If you guys have any questions I will answer them all :) I didn't write as much as I could because I know many will just skip through

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