Chapter 32- Alone-ish

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"Lydia get your ass up and turn off that damn alarm clock!" 


"Please god shut up," I moaned.


I swung my arm to smack the alarm clock but I missed and hurled my body off the bed and onto the floor.

"Did you fall again?" The voice cackled evilly. 

"Good morning to you too Rosa," I mumbled into the floor. 

Mornings weren't the same here but I was getting used to them. 

I had been in New York a month and I was finally getting used to the new normal.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal, Mama was too tired to make food here so  I picked up a lot of the cooking. Made me realize how much of my mothers work I take for granted. We all did. 

"Lydia darling, will you make me a mimosa?" Rosa hollered from the couch.

"You know you can't have alcohol Rosa." 

"Says who?"

"Your doctor."

"What does he know?" 

"Well he went to school for a lot of years to be able to do his job." 

"School Shmool, you know what we did back in my day. There were no doctors, you eat a clove of garlic a day, wash it down with wine and you'll be fine. These doctors don't know nothing I tell you." 

I couldn't help but giggle at her bizarre ways, but I was used to it. 

"They told me the stroke should have paralyzed me, but did it? No, because your Aunt Rosa is Italian, they don't know how strong our blood is. They tell me a stroke is a blood clot, how can my blood clot if I drink a table spoon of Olive oil a day?" 

"Okay Rosa," I laughed. She was partially right, the doctors were amazed at how fast she was able to make a recovery. Her physical therapist came every other day and on the off days I would practice her exercises with her. 

Her strength was returning but much to her disdain she would need to keep a walker with her at all times, but we really tried not to let her get up without one of us around. Which meant we were always around. 

I was happy I came with Mama, she wouldn't have been able to do this alone, helping with baths, therapy, cleaning and cooking were an overwhelming task. After a week my mother decided to get a part time job, she worked mornings at a hotel as maid service, she made enough so we wouldn't have to get money from home. It was nice having extra cash too, we were able to have a lot of fun on our own. She was always home by 1. 

After talking with my teachers I was able to get my school work mailed to me. Because Rosa needed 24/7 care we thought it was best I didn't enroll in a school here. The thought of going to a school where I knew no one was a terrifying concept.

"Here you go," I handed Rosa a glass of non alcoholic orange juice, despite her complaints and headed back to the kitchen table to study. 

Turns out, not having distractions or having to actually go to class made me a better student. That and my mothers threat to beat me with a spoon and send me back home if I failed this semester. 

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