Chapter 21- Life As You Know It

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The following weeks were the most amazing, yet stressful, time of my life. The visit to the temple was weird all things considered, but luckily, no one slipped up and showed that they knew me. During our spoken test, Miss Ashley took us into the next room to speak with us all privately. Instead of asking me questions, she asked me how I was doing since I awakened. Apparently, Nanea told her about my situation so that she could help me in case anything happened at school. I felt kind of upset that I would be getting somewhat preferential treatment, but I suppose that she was right to worry. I was zoning out a lot when the lessons covered things I had been present for.

Magnus and I continued to get closer, the new feelings between us still continuing to bring excitement to my soul that made my skin tingle. Aurora and her head sage Winona helped me come up with things that I could tell my friends if they asked what we were going over. Luckily, it wasn't new to me, so I already understood the practices. Daddy and I had a great time bonding again, he wanted to know everything about me and how my life has been up until now. It was nice to be able to relieve some of his worries the more I explained how well it has all gone. Phoenix, Desire, and I spent a lot of time together bonding the way we always have. They were like siblings to me after all these years. Between them and my family from the home, even though it was just Daddy and I now, I had so much love and support from the ones who cared about me the most. Even without my mother here with us, I've never felt more blessed.

After the first week of my so-called training, Nanea started to let me walk to the temple by myself. Since everyone in the palace knew my cover, it felt safe not to have an escort anymore. After my visit today, I finally decided to head back to the home for the night, hoping to make it before dark. As I step outside, I realize that the sun has already set, leaving nothing but the moon and the stars to illuminate the way home.

I walk through town as merchants close up shop for the night, seeming tired after a hard day's work. I consider stopping in to visit Magnus, but I'm exhausted after chasing Rynn around the palace. She is small, but she is far faster than me every time she wants to play tag. My feet are sore, and now I want nothing more than to lie down and relax. As I turn a corner through the narrow side streets toward home, I suddenly see two shadows approaching behind me. When I turn around, I see that two guys are following me. I quickly duck around another corner and keep going, starting to walk faster, but then I see two more in front of me blocking the alley. This can't be good.


Warning: Violence

"Can I help you?" I ask as the others continue to follow behind me, blocking me in from the other side.

"Where's a pretty little thing like you going by yourself?" One of the guys asks twistedly, and suddenly, fear starts to set in.

"Home." I state bluntly "What are a bunch of guys like you doing treating a 'pretty little thing like me' like this?" I ask, trying to sound confident.

"Don't act so rude, it doesn't look good on you." Another guy states snarkily.

"Ditto." I say as I cock my head to the side "Now if you'll excuse me." I try to push through them, but they shove me back, causing me to fall into the ones behind me. Suddenly, they're holding my arms. I struggle to break free, but they're strong. This really isn't good.

"Where you going? We just started talking." The first guy asks as he approaches me, gently touching my face "What's your name, sweetie?" he asks curiously as he starts to touch my neck.

"Does it matter?" I ask as I spit in his face, trying to pull away.

"I guess not." he sighs as he starts to reach down toward my chest. "Come on, we don't want to hurt you." Well, here we go.

"Back off." I state angrily.

"Quit playing around, Darin." One of the guys who's holding me back says in frustration, and suddenly, they shove me against the wall.

"Shut up," Darin says as he reaches for the bottom of my shirt, and suddenly, my instincts kick in full gear "Don't worry-" he begins, but suddenly, I rip my arms from their grasp. As they look at me in disbelief, I duck down, swinging my leg around to trip them back.

"How the hell?" One of them shouts as he lunges toward me, but I deck him as soon as he gets close. Darin and one of the others angrily charge and try to pin me back again, but suddenly, a powerful burst of air flings them back against the other wall, smashing their heads against the concrete.

"What the fuck?" The other guy says in terror as he stares at his friends, who are groaning in pain "What the hell are you?"

"I warned you, you should have backed off." I shrug as I casually step over them "Maybe think before you try this on someone else. You never know what you're up against." I state as I go, not turning back. My heart is racing and my anxiety is on edge as I rush home. When I make it in the door, I quickly lock it behind me, taking deep breaths and trying not to break down. I don't want to know what would have happened if I hadn't been trained in combat. The entire thought disgusts me and makes me sick to my stomach.

"There you are, I was getting worried. What-" Aria suddenly stops when she sees my face "Tessa? What happened?" she asks worriedly. I can't hold it in, as tears fill my eyes, I rush to the trash can and get sick. I can't stop choking, I've never had to defend myself from anything like that before. My parents warned me of how despicable people can be, but I guess I never thought that it would happen to me.

"I..." I try to speak, but round two escapes from my gut. "Aria, I need to tell you something." I sigh as I hang over the edge of the trash can.

"What's wrong?" she asks, justifyingly terrified.

"Where's Pearl? She needs to hear this too." I ask as I lean back, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"In our room," Aria states nervously as she tries to help me off of the ground. I stumble down the hall, trying not to pass out before making it to my bed.

"Hey, welcome ba-" Pearl begins until she sees me "Tessa?"

"Something happened." Aria sighs as she helps me to my bed "What's going on?" she asks nervously. Before I can speak, I take a moment to look at their faces. The life I knew was about to come to a close.

"I've been keeping a really big secret," I state cautiously "Please, just don't change the way you look at me when I tell you, promise?"

"We promise," Pearl agrees as she closes her book "Now, what's this about?"

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