Chapter 103- Trifecta of Fate

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 Pacing back and forth in the throne room, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Things are taking far longer than expected, and at this point, waiting is synonymous with torture.

"Breezy, the construction crew has enough to do already and you're wearing a path in the floor." Desire says sarcastically from the furthest throne across the room.

"It's been nearly two days, how am I supposed to stay calm?" I ask, cracking my knuckles.

"Your mom knows what she's doing, just try to have faith-"

"Magnus, I swear to god, now is not the time." I snap, suddenly freezing in place and looking at him nervously "I'm sorry, I just can't take much more of this." I explain, trying not to shiver.

"It's okay, but, torturing yourself thinking about worst-case scenarios is just going to make you feel worse." Magnus sighs.

"I should be over there," I state, heading for the hall "I'm going back."

"No, stop right there." Desire shouts, and a small burst of flame hits the wall beside me. Frustrated, I turn back and gawk at her.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask irritatedly.

"My mother wants you to take a break, so that's what you're gonna do whether you like it or not." she scoffs, standing up and walking towards the front hall "Let's get some air,"

With no choice but to follow her, Magnus and I head out to the front steps, looking out at the sun starting to set over the sea in the west. Looking down at the city, everything is still a disaster. The roads may have been partially cleared, but so many buildings were demolished during the fight that it looks far worse than it did before the restoration after the gap years. This is going to take years to rebuild, and I can't imagine how many people don't have homes right now.

"I ran into Nanea yesterday," I say as I sit on the steps.

"How is she?" Desire asks curiously as she gets comfortable beside me.

"She seems upbeat, but I can tell she's hiding how stressed she is." I sigh "They haven't told Rynn about her mom yet, and she keeps asking to see her."

"Oh shit," Magnus states as he hunches down, scooting in close "When are you're parents going to take her?" he asks curiously.

"I'm not sure yet. But my guess is pretty soon after Gaia's dead." I explain, trying not to think too hard about it.

"Is Calista planning on staying here with you guys? Or is she going to find her own place?" Magnus asks, and suddenly my heart sinks.

"Neither." I sigh.

"Wait, what?" Desire asks in confusion. Before I can answer, we're interrupted by Jasper as he frantically dashes toward us from the main hall.

"There you are!" he shouts as he catches up, stopping to catch his breath.

"What the hell, are you okay?" Desire asks as she looks him up and down.

"Roxie... Breeze, needed in the sanctuary," he pants.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously as I stand up, taking Magnus' hand and pulling him up with me.

"They're getting weak," he finally starts to be able to speak "Artemis' nose started bleeding and Aurora's body is getting cold. Roxie doesn't know how much longer they can keep this up," he explains nervously.

"Son of a bitch, this is what I was afraid of," I say frantically as I start to dash down the hall. I can hear the others following behind me, but I'm fast as the wind as I swiftly push myself through the halls, practically flinging myself into the sanctuary. Calista is kneeling beside them, and I can see the look of terror on my father's face as he speaks to Roxie.

"When did this start?" I ask as I step inside.

"Damn, you got here fast," Roxie states in shock.

"Sweetie," my father says as he rushes to me, embracing me tightly "They were fine an hour ago, but I think their bodies can't handle this much longer," he explains worriedly.

"No shit," I say, walking over and looking at the sorry state they're in "It's been two days, this is the longest dive anyone's ever done successfully," I explain, looking at Gaia, who is shockingly doing fine.

"Are you sure they aren't fighting?" my father asks nervously.

"I can't tell for sure, but considering the time frame, this is exhaustion," Calista explains confidently. Suddenly, Magnus and the others catch up.

"How do you run so fast?" Desire asks hoarsely.

"Haven't you ever heard the term 'run like the wind' ?" Jasper asks sarcastically as he walks in and sits down, catching his breath.

"Holy shit," Magnus gasps as he looks at the three of them on the floor "Are they going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Roxie sighs, and I look between the others before taking a deep breath, audibly letting it go.

"They've had enough time, I'm getting them out," I state, climbing down on the floor beside my mother.

"Wait-" my father shouts.

"Hold on just a minute, are you sure about this?" Roxie interjects.

"What else are we supposed to do? They don't know what's happening out here or how much time has passed." I explain confidently "Now, I'm going whether you all like it or not."

"You can't just dive in blind, you don't know what you're jumping into!" my father objects.

"What if mom's in trouble? We can't just leave her!" I state angrily.

"If that's true then I can't lose you too!" he shouts desperately.

"Dante!" Calista suddenly interjects "Out of everyone here, myself included, Breeze is the one best suited to try." she explains confidently.

"No offense to my niece, but aren't you a better fighter after all these years?" Roxie asks skeptically.

"This isn't about fighting," Calista sighs, sitting beside me and taking my hands "If this is it, then Gaia's story needs to end in the eyes of a true priestess, a fearless leader, and a goddess of darkness who all found light despite the world trying it's best to tear them all down." she explains, looking into my eyes with determination "You've got this, now go do what you were born to do." she smiles, and I nod in agreement as I place my hand on Gaia's shoulder.

"When I come back, this world will finally be free," I state confidently, starting to focus.

"I'm proud of you, sweetie," Magnus says, and I can hear him shaking.

"Stay safe," Desire says calmly as if she's starting to pray.

"Don't lose sight of why you're there, just finish what they started and come back," Roxie states boldly.

"I promise we'll be here when you return," my father starts to cry "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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