Chapter 94- As Simple as a Kiss

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 "Please stop doting on me, I'm not sick, I'm just tired," I explain irritably as I climb into bed.

"Fine, but can you at least eat something? I don't think you have since you've come home." my mother asks worriedly.

"For god's sake, can I please just go to bed already, it's the middle of the fucking night." I sigh exhaustedly "I'll eat in the morning, I promise."


"Mother." I scoff, pulling my blankets over my face "I'm really not in the mood, okay?"

"Look, you're father is waiting in the hall to give me the same treatment, so you get to put up with me for a few more minutes, hm?" she says, pulling my blankets down "Are you sure you're okay by yourself? I can wake Desire up if you really don't want me here." she offers, but I shake my head.

"Let her sleep, who knows what tomorrow will bring and the last thing we need is for all of us to be exhausted." I sigh, rolling over and burying my face in my pillow.

"I doubt she would mind, but it's your call." she shrugs, rubbing my back.

"I'll be fine, now go to bed," I state, my voice muffled by the pillow. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

"Honey?" my mom asks, and I roll over as my father opens the door, and Magnus follows him in.

"What are you doing up?" I ask in surprise as he comes to me.

"Do you think I could sleep knowing what was going on?" he asks sarcastically, sitting beside me and reaching for my hand "I'm glad you're okay."

"Okay is one way to put it," I sigh.

"Well, that settles it then." my mother says happily as she stands up, taking my father's hand and dragging him to the door "Goodnight you two."

"Nika?" my father says in confusion as he lets her drag him out, glancing back at Magnus "You're lucky I like you," he states as my mother shuts the door behind them.

"... thank you?" Magnus responds, dumbfounded by what just transpired "I know I've only stayed over a few times, but how are your parents so okay with it?" he asks, confused. I can't help but stare at him for a second before I start to giggle.

"Live a few lifetimes and they don't exactly have the highest authority to tell you what you can and can't do anymore." I laugh, snuggling back into bed as Magnus blows out the remaining candles.

"Well, if it wasn't for the fact you're royalty, I don't think my mother would be letting me do this," he explains as he climbs into bed, wrapping himself around me "Not to mention everything else going on right now."

"Just another day of being a goddamn goddess," I say as I take a deep breath, holding it in for a minute before letting it go.

"Hopefully it will all be over soon," he sighs as he strokes my arm "Just try to get some rest, you've had a long day," he suggests, and I close my eyes, trying to let my mind drift off. As exhausted as I am, the thought of dreaming terrifies me.

"Magnus," I ask nervously as I grip his arm.

"What's wrong?" he asks as I roll over to face him.

"Knowing what you do now about who I am and all the bullshit that has happened since we met, am I really worth all of this trouble to you?" I ask, running my fingers over the stitched section of his forehead where he had gotten hurt in the city.

"Are you kidding me?" he asks, moving my hand away and squeezing it "Do you really think you're crazy family, a bunch of ancient lunatics, and a fascinating change in your appearance and personality are going to scare me away?" he explains sweetly.

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