Chapter 70- The First Daughter

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"I don't understand, why are they talking about this without you?" Magnus asks, anxiously pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor.

    "That's what I'd like to know." Desire sighs, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees, rubbing her forehead irritably.

    "Your mother said that me getting over emotional isn't going to help, so they want to talk to mine first and see if she has any idea what could have happened." I sigh, climbing onto the bed "Not like that will even matter, until today, we thought the only thing he did that night was use a curse that was meant to kill me. What's she going to know about anything else he did?" I explain pessimistically.

    "This is so fucking stupid." Desire scoffs, "I agree that what Marissa showed us was true, but now what?"

    "What do you mean?" Magnus asks in confusion.

    "Those ancient freaks have been around our parents every goddamn step of the way, and they're the reason so much of our history is full of bloodshed, genocide, and corruption." she explains, starting to crack her knuckles "Now, all of a sudden, they want to take back control of our home by doing what, brainwashing people into blinding following the ones who have been reaping destruction for a thousand years?"

    "That's an accurate summation, yes." I state bluntly "I feel like I can't even worry about that right now. Gael did something to me and whatever it is has probably been dormant for five hundred years. How can I think about anything else right now?" I realize I've started talking faster and rocking back and forth. Today is weighing heavily on me.

    "Tessa, breathe." Desire says calmly "Wait, has it really been five hundred years? My math isn't adding up."

    "Josephine's ship landed here in 1642 not long after the miscarriage, so, five hundred and thirty years give or take?" I explain, counting on my fingers. Magnus seems dumbfounded as he glances between us.

    "You two scare me sometimes." he states anxiously "Desire, what year were you born?"

    "2024, I was the first of us kids to be born after the gap years." she explains "But, Tessa's soul is older."

    "Doesn't make much of a difference in my eyes." I shrug, trying to calm down "God, how long are they going to keep us waiting?"

    "Sweetie, why don't you just go in?" Magnus suggests, coming to sit next to me "They might get upset, but it's you that they're worried about. I think you deserve to know what's going on."

    "I don't know," I sigh, nervously scratching my knees "If they're in the middle of actually finding some answers, I don't want to just barge in," I explain worriedly, looking outside at the moon as it begins to rise.

    "Actually, there may be a way around that." Desire interjects "What if they don't know we're listening?" she asks slyly. Glancing over, I can already see a plan cooking up inside her mind.

    "Oh god," I say, taking a deep breath "What do you suggest?"

It's getting late, and the halls around Aurora's Sanctuary are nearly empty. When we see a guard turn a corner in our direction, we quickly duck into a nearby doorway and wait for him to pass, slick as thieves. Years of practice have led to us being pretty good at getting around unnoticed. When we make it to the doors, we check the adjacent room, one used for storing texts and sacred herbs and things for ceremonies, and head inside, gently closing the door behind us. The room is dark, but Desire creates a miniature flame in the palm of her hand, creating a glow just big enough for us not to stumble over anything. We carefully make our way to the back corner and press our ears against the wall; just as we thought, we're able to hear everything.

SURVIVE (THRIVE: Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant