Chapter 107- Confidence

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 It feels exciting walking into town. People are already working hard to decorate for tomorrow's event, hanging banners, spreading flowers, and setting up stands and things to sell. Considering that Rynn is the youngest of us now, we have no idea when anything like this could happen again. If any of my relatives return anytime soon, it would have to be the same way I did, coming of age 'in the wild' as we say. Even so, the years barely line up for all but two, everyone else who has passed has been far too recent.

"Well, look at you all dressed up," I suddenly hear from behind me, and when I turn around I see a familiar face.

"Ro?" I ask as she starts to approach us, twirling her belly-button piercing "I thought you'd be at the temple helping everyone get ready, what are you doing out here?"

"Roxie wanted to make sure everyone got here on time, so someone had to come get this guy," she giggles, and Jasper comes out from behind her.

"Long time no see, Breezy." he laughs, coming in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I've meant to stop by, but the kids-"

"Stop," he says, leaning back and pushing my hair out of my face "You don't need to apologize, I've been doing fine." he smiles, looking at Magnus and holding his arm out for an awkward bro-hug.

"Have you found any help running the bar yet?" Magnus asks curiously.

"Desire offered, but it still doesn't feel right running the place without Dad." he sighs.

"I personally think it's a great idea," Rowena says happily as she starts to march down the street "The only person I know who's better at making a cocktail is her mother."

"True," Jasper states as we start to follow her.

"What about you, what have you been up to?" I ask curiously as we make our way through into the Pheonix Village, the section of town that had been rebuilt after the insurrection. Here, people are already starting to gather and create shrines, honoring those of us who aren't here in hopes that they'll make a safe return to us. Having eight waiting to return definitely takes its toll, and I pray that they come back soon.

"So," Magnus begins curiously "How's immortality treating you?" he asks Rowena, and she nearly trips over her feet.

"Right back at ya," she laughs, wobbling until she gets her balance "I dunno, same me, same life, same shit. But now I've got the most adorable sis-in-law ever." she laughs, draping her arm over my shoulder as we walk, swaying side to side.

"I don't know, I think you've changed since we've met." Magnus laughs as we reach the base of the temple stairs.

"It's called coming out of your shell, and you have Kai to thank for that." she giggles as she starts to dart up the stairs "Now c'mon, everyone's waiting!"

As we go inside, guards are at full attention and servants are prepping the halls for the crowds tomorrow. Purple torches illuminate the main hall leading into the throne room, and as we go inside, my mother and father are already waiting for us.

"It's probably just nerves, I wouldn't be able to sleep either if today was my awakening day." my mother states.

"I understand, I'm just worried that she-" he suddenly sees us coming in "Sweetie!" he shouts as Magnus and I make our way across the room, pulling my parents in for a hug.

"What's going on? Rynn couldn't sleep last night?" I ask curiously.

"All week actually," my mother sighs "This is only her second life, so she's never done this before. I think she's scared."

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