Chapter 55- The Corrupted Soul

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"Lucius was obsessed with blood, it wouldn't surprise me if he was the same person. I mean, look at the evidence." Father states as he paces back and forth in the bedroom.

"If what Breeze said is true, he could have easily used his tactics to corrupt you. I mean think about it; you weren't anything like that until he came along. How did one person have that much of a hold on you?" Mother asks nervously "Embrose became who he was solely because of that monster, there's no doubt in my mind that they were the same person."

"I'm not disagreeing with you, but if he is, that would mean that the Ancient Ones have been right here under our noses for generations without us even knowing it. Who knows who else they could have been?" Father sighs.

"That doesn't matter to me right now, right now, I just want to punish the bastard that corrupted you and fed off of our daughter!" Mother shouts furiously.

"Veronika, please try to calm down. Anger isn't going to help us figure this out." Father states calmly.

"Would someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on here?" I raise my voice, and they both suddenly look at me as if they had forgotten I was there. "What did he do to Embrose? You both always dodge the subject when I bring it up, and I'm sick of being stuck in the dark. I'm over a hundred years old, I think it's time you treat me like an adult."

"I understand, but that's a door you don't want to open, sweetheart." Father sighs, his face pale with guilt "There are certain things between your mother and me that should be kept between us."

"If you really thought that, you wouldn't have dragged me out of the meeting with you. Now, talk." I say boldly, trying to maintain my composure.

"I..." Father tries to speak but is at a loss for words.

"Arsen," Mother begins calmly, "I think she's right. No more secrets."

"You can't be serious," Father says in shock.

"She's a grown woman, and she deserves to know the truth about our past." Mother sighs solemnly, knowing that this won't be an easy talk "I'll take care of this, you go back downstairs, okay?" she asks as she approaches him, gently caressing his cheek.

"Nika, I don't..." he tries to say "Okay." he gives in, looking back at me as I lean against the back wall "Please, just don't think less of me because of it. That person... he wasn't me." he sighs as he leaves, leaving my mother and me to face this subject alone.

My mother sighs as she makes her way to the couch, looking around at the filled cracks embedded into the bedroom walls. I know that this place has been the home of so many memories for her, some more painful than others. Today, I was going to experience them for myself. As she reaches her hands out to me, I know exactly what she has decided to do.

"Is it safe with Ember in there?" I ask worriedly.

"She can't get into my mind, we'll be fine," she states reassuringly.

The Gate is a sapphire shade of blue, with twinkling stars filling the sky. I have been in here before, but this time, it won't be to share in the happy memories of the past. Instead, it would be to face the demons that must ail her to this day. I have always admired her original form. She was bold, yet modest, the tattoo on the side of her head being the staple of her appearance. Her long dark hair flows down her back, resting on her black dress.

"If you need me to stop, you better tell me, okay?" she states as she takes a deep breath.

"I understand." I say with confidence "Tell me about Embrose." I suggest, and she sighs.

"Embrose was your father's incarnation before Zade. After her become king, a group of extremists, led by Lucius, began to influence him and the way he lead the empire. He became more stern and militaristic as a result, and as his new policies became the law, he became possessive over me. When I would disobey his wishes, he became aggressive and abusive." she explains solemnly "I'm not going to show you what he had done, but I will show you how it ended." she states as she opens a portal, leading me through.

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