Dragon and Phoenix among People--Lu Fengxian (1-5)

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[Quick Transmigration] Let the villain have a successor!
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 289 Dragon and Phoenix among People--Lu Fengxian 1

"Master host is back after completing the task~"

As soon as Shi Mu regained consciousness, he heard the noisy and cheerful voice of System 001 circling around him. Shi Mu rubbed his forehead with some headaches, and picked up the little boy who was wandering around , "Quiet, you're disturbing my eyes."

001 became as quiet as a chicken in an instant.

The host dislikes it, is there another dog outside? QWQ

After a while, it dared to speak out when it heard Shi Mu's questioning voice.

"How much is the mission total?"

"The master host of this world has obtained 200 points, plus the previous remaining points of 49,400, a total of 49,600 points..."

When 001 reported this number, it was a little afraid of the host Adults can get angry, so be extra careful with what you say.

It's just that it thought too much, and Shi Mu had already expected it in the last world, so when he heard 200, he felt that it was true. And this has nothing to do with System 001, even if he gets angry, he doesn't blame 001.

Shi Mu: "Well, I see, what is the next world?"

001 blinked his round eyes, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the host is still so sensible, it doesn't need to be scolded.

"The next world is "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the mission target is Lu Bu."

Shi Mu: From the name, you can tell that this is another Tie Hanhan.

As expected of you.

001: "Does the big host want to take a break first or continue to do the task?"

"Teleport, anyway, going to the small world is also a rest."

"...Oh okay." 001 was a little speechless when he heard the host's voice full of hatred. The other hosts shouted every day to do tasks and were exhausted. How come to the host, doing tasks is equivalent to rest?

"The host, do you want to buy something?"

Shi Mu was not angry, but just thought it was funny: "...001, you really don't give up."

001: Poor.jpg

Shi Mu: "I have nothing to buy right now."

001 was disappointed, and the whole group was stunned: "Oh..."

Shi Mu: "But the system mall, can I exchange things after I go to the small world? What if I suddenly want to buy something?"

001: "Yeah, yes, yes! It's always possible!"

001 was a little excited, and after the excitement, he patted the ground with his tail regretfully.

How is it so stupid? He actually forgot to tell the host about such an important matter, what if the host suddenly wants to buy something in the small world? But if you think you can't buy it in the small world, then you don't buy it, so will you lose a lot? !

001: I feel like I have lost a hundred million... (ㄒoㄒ)

Shi Mu looked at the small system's autistic appearance with a smile, "001, let's teleport to the next world." "

[Quick Transmigration] Let the villain have a successor!Where stories live. Discover now