Chapter 3: Reunion

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"I finally found you!! We can finally be together!!"

"Hi! {Name}!" Kaname said. "Kaname.." was all you said and he smiled. "Its good to see you!" he said. "Its good to see you again! Y-You look good!" you said quickly and nervously. "Same to you {Name}! You hit puberty well!" he said jokingly which made you gasped in shock.

"Kaname!" you said and he laughed. "So then.." he started and sat on the swing beside you. "How have you been since we first last met?" he asked. "Good. Me and my mom are doing well." you said as he listened to your every word.

"How have you been?" you asked and Kaname tightened his grip on the swing. "Good." was all he said and you tilted your head. "Are you sure?" you said and he looked at you and smiled. "Everything is good now that your here." he said and you looked at the ground embarrassingly.

You and Kaname talked with each other for a long time until you heard a ring from your phone. "Hold on.." you said politely and Kaname respectively nodded. You stood up and walked to the nearest tree and answered your phone.

"Hello?" you said and you heard the familiar mother voice. "Where are you!!" she said worriedly. "Mom! Calm down! Im at the park with Kaname!!" you said quickly and her panting started to slow down.

"Kaname? Kaname? Kaname!!! You mean the boy 8 years ago!!" she said and you nodded. "Yes!" you answered and she gasped. "I want to meet him! You need to come home! Its getting late! And see if you can bring him along too! " she said.

"Mom. Why do you want to meet him so much?" you asked. "Because I never got to thank him." she said gently and I widened my eyes. "Oh." you said and she sighed. "I've got to go and finish cooking." she said.

"Okay. We'll be there in a little bit." you said and she said "Okay." Then you hung off and headed back to the swing set. "Kaname I have to get going. But my mom wants to see you. She was wondering if you'd like to come to my house tonight if that's alright with you." you said nervously.

"Sure. I can come to your place." he said. "Really?" you said and he nodded. "Besides. I was going to walk you home anyway. You shouldn't walk down these streets by yourself. That's why you have to have someone in your life who wants to protect you." he said and looked at you deep in your {Eye Color} eyes.

"Like me." he lastly said and you widened your eyes. You two then began to head to your house. "Kaname are you sure your parents don't mind?" you asked assuring and Kaname stopped walking. You looked at him with concern.

"Kaname." you said. "{Name}. A lot has happened since these eight years apart." he said. "My parents are dead." he said and you lightly gasped. "They were killed in a car wreck." he mumbled. "I'm sorry for your lost. And for asking." you said quietly, staring at the ground.

You felt a hand rub your hair and you looked up to see Kaname smiling and rubbing your head. "Don't be sad! I'm fine. Don't burden yourself over something that happened in my life." he said and deeply sighed. "Now lets head to your place eh?!" he said and you smiled.


{Your place}

"Ah! Kaname! Its so good to see you!" said your mom and hugged Kaname as if he was her own son. "I-Its nice to see you to Ms. {Last Name}!" he said and she let him go. You sniffed the delicious oder that filled the house.

"Mom you made my favorite didn't you?" you said and your mom smiled. "Of course. {Your Favorite Meal}. Would you like to have dinner with us Kaname?" your mom asked and Kaname nodded. "Yes Ma 'me. I would like that very much." he said.

"Great." your mom said, surprised by his outstanding manners. You, Kaname, and your mom ate dinner as you watched the new come on.

"Breaking News! A student by the name of Takashi Minori has been found and has been reported to be dead. Takashi was 15 years old, attending Sakamori High School." said the reporter which made you immediately look up.

"Oh my." said your mom worriedly. " That's our school." said Kaname. "I knew him.." you mumbled and your mom looked at you. "He had confessed his love to me a couple days ago. I told him to give me some time." you said and looked at your water.

"Oh sweetie." said your mom gently. " That's crazy. You see someone one day and the next day their gone. I was going to tell him later how I felt But I guess that later never came." you said. "Don't get depressed on me." your mom said.

"Kaname. Thank you for walking {Name} home." she said and Kaname smiled. "Also. I wanted to thank you for that incident eight years ago. I...I never got to tell you how thankful I was when you found {Name}." she said slowly.

"Your Welcome. Ms. {Last Name}" he said and your mom smiled.


"Thanks for having me over {Name}!" Kaname said to you as you walked him outside. "No problem!" you said and smiled. You then did something sudden. You wrapped your arms and hugged him making him gasp.

Tear suddenly threatened to fall to your face. "Thank you. For coming back Kaname!" you said cheerfully. Kaname slowly rubbed your soft {Hair Color} and then leaned down to your ear. "Stop it. If you continue to act like this I'll have no choice but to fall for you." he huskily whispered in your ear and you blushed and pulled back from him, stubbing a bit.

Kaname put on that innocent smile again and playfully bonked your head. "Got you!" he said and you gasped shockingly. He laughed and you rubbed your head. "Bye {Name}!" he said and you smiled widely and waved bye to him.

When you couldn't see him anymore you stepped back in the house and shut the door, releasing a satisfying sigh.

"I ship you two together." your mom said and you felt heat rise to your cheeks and you looked at her with a shocked expression.

"MOM! You don't even though what that mean!" you said and she laughed. "But I hear you say it about some of your anime characters! I put two and two together and now I know what this ship word means!" she said and she laughed again. "And I definitely ship you two!"

You couldn't help but laugh with her, creating a short but harmonic daughter and mother time.

Yandere! Childhood Friend X Reader| Super Psycho LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz