Chapter 10: Another Yagami Child

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{Morning At School}

You walked in the school building knowing completely well what you looked like. Light bags under your eyes, hair out of order, random clothes on. You just didn't feel like going to school. Bull, you should've just stayed at home.

You walked to your locker getting glances from students wondering what the hell was wrong with you but you ignored them and grabbed your necessary things for your morning periods. You had been to 2 therapists and had been taking metal pills.

Yeah, it was that bad. Seeing multiple dead bodies and I mean MULTIPLR dead bodies in on day kinda of messed your brain up. But you were completely over it....sort of... "Good morning girl!!" said Suki as she skipped to your locker.

Her sunny hair was in a ponytail held by a pink ponytail holder. She had on an adorable yellow scarf with a cream shirt and a black jacket with blue skinny jeans and brown boots. You smiled. "Good morning!" you said.

"Hello my chi- what the hell!!" Kaori said as she looked at your features and Suki growled and hit Kaori on the head. "Hey!!" Kaori said rubbing her head. "Baka..." Suki mumbled. She was thinking the same thing as Kaori but kept it to her self. Cute...

You saw Haru walked towards you guys and you gave him a serious glance and he sent right back at you knowing good and well why you looked like shit. "Good morning." he said blankly and the girls said it back.

"Good Morning you guys!" said that freakin familiar voice. Your eyes went wide and you felt him walk behind you. "Good morning!!" said Karoi and Suki in union. You gulped and clutched you books tighter.

"What do you want?" Haru said with anger on the edge. Kaname rolled his eyes and ignored Haru. The girls started to notice that something was off. "Baka {Name}! Your not gonna say any-" you jumped away and you could feel yourself trembling.

You quickly turned your head to look at him and you ALMOST screamed. The image of him bloody with the gleaming knife flashed before your eyes. Then when you saw the dead pizza man and connected the pieces together flashed again.

"I um! I need to get to class!!" you said rather fast and bolted to your first period. "But there's 15 minutes before class!!" Suki yelled even though you were out of sight. "What happened between you two?" Kaori asked.

"Nothing!! I don't know what's wrong with her!!" Kaname said innocently and sent Haru a taunting glance and Haru gritted his teeth together, telling himself to calm down even though that wouldn't be so easy.

What was worst was that you had 1st period with Kaname..Great....just perfect....


"Hi!!" said Kaname as he sat beside you. You stopped eating and grabbed your drink. "Hey Kaname!!" Suki said with a wave. "Ugh!! For some reason I remembered I have soccer practice today. Aw man I was trying to forget about that!" Kaori said with a lollipop dangling in her mouth and she pulled her hat down lower.

Kaname chuckled. "Hey {Name}!" he said and you froze and dropped you drink. It spilled everywhere. Your body began to tremble and some people looked your way because of the sound of the drink. Luckily there wasn't a lot in there.

"{Name!}" Suki said in shock. "Its fine.." you said nervously. "Your so clumsy!!" Kaname said playfully and touched your shoulder. You gasped in fear. "Don't touch her." Haru said after he took a sip of his water.

"What?" Kaname said and pulled his hand back. "You cant hear now?" Haru asked and raised his eyebrow. Kaname frowned. "Why cant I touch her?" he said getting angry. "Because I'm pretty sure she doesn't want your filthy hands touching her." he said and Kaname smirked.

"Who knows where they've been." Haru said and you covered your mouth. The images were coming back. Dead. Bodies. The smell. The stench. Rotting bodies. Lifeless eyes. You quietly gaged.

"Who knows where they've been."

They've been killing people.

"Stop being mean!!" Suki said angrily. Even though she was angry she still looked cute as a button. Kaori was having a laugh at the situation but knew she had to stop. "He started it!" Kaname said pointing to Haru and Haru clenched his fists.

Kaname was good at acting. He was acting like a hopeless and innocent high school kid. Who on the inside was crazy.

{After School}

You ran home. You ran so fast. SO FAST!

Once Kaname and you were walking alone he grabbed your hand and you shivered and you looked at him. "You cant hid from me forever {Name}-Chan." he said softly and that's when you ripped your grip form his and ran home.

His eyes....they had glowed red again..

You locked the doors securely to your house and grabbed the pills that the therapist gave you. You quickly gulped them down with water and relaxed. You kicked your shoes off and happily sighed. You turned the TV on and grabbed the usual things for this situation.

"Another Sakamori high school death. Kaori Arlet." said the reporter and you quickly stood up in shock. "WHAT!!" you screamed as a picture of Kaori appeared on the screen. No!! NO this isn't true!! She was at soccer practice!! What!!! What did I do Kaname!!!! KAORI!!!!!!!!!NOOOO!!!

Tear sprouted and bloomed on your face and you started to cry when you blinked. The name "Shido Tsubaki" was on the screen. Your mind...was playing tricks on you... You wiped away your pointless tears and read it again.

"Student from Sakamori school age 15 was murdered brutally. "Shido Tsubaki." you mumbled and deeply sighed. "Apparently the kid was killed by a ax. The victim was brutally stabbed to death and he had a letter on him. "E" he said.

You wrote everything down but realized something. The deaths...they were getting more brutally the more deaths that followed. Why...Why wont he stop! I L O V E.."I love...what do you love.." you said. Suddenly you heard glass shattering coming from your room.

You gasped and ran to you room only to see a girl standing and sweeping remaining glass from her body. You widened your eyes and froze. He had red stiches everywhere on him with black bags under his eyes and short blond hair.

He looked real young. "Hello miss!! Um are you {Name} {Last Name}" he asked and you didn't respond. His voice sounded creepy yet cool at the same time. "I guess im right!! Bingo!!" he said with a thumbs up.

"!!" you said your body ready to grab the nearby lamp and knock her out.

"I'm Kaname Yagami's brother. Kocha Yagami. And I'm here to help you!!" he said spreading his arms everywhere.

Your eyes went wide with fear and joy.

Kaname's brother......


Kaname has a brother. Lets hope he's not insane too. {Don't worry he isn't!!}

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