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"I should kill him honestly."

You bit Kaname's hand and he pulled his hand back in pain and started to shake it. You stumbled a little and ran behind him and he turned around to face you with a smile. "{Name} why are you peeking around? You weren't suppose to see that room.." he said and you started to shiver.

"Why..Why is your shirt..." you didn't finish your sentence due to fear as you noticed his shirt now stained with the horrifying color {In this situation} red as he held a perfectly sharp knife. It was sharp enough to use for cooking..and other messy things...

"{Name} are you okay?" he said and you ran down the hall. You didn't care anymore you just had to get out of this demon kept house. "{Name}!! Wait! Wait!! We didn't get to finish the pizza!! Don't hate me!!" he yelled and you could see him running after you in the corner of your eye.

You pulled a table with a lamp down hoping that'd slow him down but it didn't do you much good. Once you finally reached the door you left and heard him yell your name but you ignored it. Scared. Petrified. Shaken. Lost. All those words could describe you right now.

"Wha!!!" you tripped on something hard and fell on the concrete ground. "Ouch!!" you said and rubbed your head. You looked up and your eyes went wide, filled with fear. A man laid dead and cold on the ground. His eyes were opened but they showed no signs of life. You crawled back a little and noticed he had a name tag on him.

You even noticed his uniform. It was red and white. it couldn't be.. You read the name tag. "Drew...Cannon..." you mumbled in horror. That's why...That's why Kaname was so mad... Blood. Dead. Cold. Blood. So much blood...You almost screamed but you quickly got up and darted down the street back to your house.

You shut and locked your door and started to pant like crazy. Why? Why? Why? Why! WHY!! You didn't know what to do. Thoughts were running around your head begging to be answered and done but you couldn't choice one.

You grabbed your phone and tried to call your mom but she wouldn't answer. Out of all the months she had to be gone in this one? You put the phone to your ear. "{Name} what's up?" said Kaori's usual chilled voice.

"Karoi!! I need to tell you something!! Please listen to me!! im not crazy!! Help me!!! Please he-" "Woah!! Chill the hell out!!" Kaori said loudly and you began to pant like crazy. The image of dead bodies could drive anyone insane.

You began to breath in and out repeatedly. "Okay! I'm...calmed..." you said after you had relaxed. "Alight now tell me everything from the beginning." she said and you took a deep breath.."It started like this.." you started.

{4 Minutes Later}

"That was actual a interesting story!! Did you tell Kaname his role?! I bet he was pissed!!" she said and you gasped. "Kaori!!! I'm not joking!!" you said and she chuckled. "Really?!!? Okay where did you fond this joke? I wasn't to try it o-"

You angrily hung up on her and you called someone else. "H-E-L-L-O!!! Its me!!! I was wondering if after all these year you'd like to me-" "I need to tell you something!!!!" you yelled, cutting Suki's singing off.

"Hey I was singing there! I've been waiting all day to do that!!" she said and you rolled your eyes. "Listen to me!!!" you yelled and she sighed. "Alright!! Alright!! Let it out!!" she said and you opened your mouth...

{4 Minutes Later}

"That wasn't funny {Name}.." Suki said and you were close to screaming. "It wasn't a joke!!" you said real quickly and you noticed that you kept looking around you as if someone was in your kitchen. "But your a really good storyteller and actress!!! I almost believed you!! but w-" You hung up on her and threw your phone on the couch.

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