9: Jarryd

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Twigs snapped. Jarryd froze. About time, he thought. His adrenaline soared when, moments later, the unwary lad hurried by his hiding spot and rushed into the cave.

Jarryd frowned.

He had only managed a glimpse, but the smooth cheek suggested someone too young to be using a razor. A muffled cursing from inside the cave added to his indecision. The voice sounded unbroken. This boy was too young for niggling at a dragon's mindpath.

Jarryd wiped his forehead on his sleeve. He had enough trouble living up to being Dax's brother without ruining this chance to impress Mother. 

This was the place and this was the time of day. He must carry out the testing.

Rufus could stay out of sight unless he was needed. 

Mother said that seeing and touching a dragon was so overwhelming that new ones quickly agreed to have their training done at Stakkr instead of at one of the five watchwards. The Watch paid well for a fully trained rider, especially for one that came with his own dragon.

But, Jarryd worried, if he intercepted the wrong person, the Watch would hear of it.

 Mentally repeating the instructions given him, he cursed the limitations placed on him. Above all, he had been warned, he must not alarm the intercepted. He had scoffed at that, thinking his puny appearance unlikely to frighten anyone.

An hour later, perhaps more, he heard scuffling from inside the cave.

Jarryd moved closer. Wishing his magic worked, he waited for the dragon-touched.


6 March 2017 added kindle version - this one got shorter during the revision.

24 May 2021: Final update, synchronising Wattpad, Book Funnel and Kindle versions.

Thanks for reading!



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