61: Taniel meets Wizard Ritter

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Tired, thirsty, and furious, I was confined to one corner of the pink-walled bedroom. I could move, albeit slowly, but there was nowhere to go, stuck as I was with the bed, a bedside table, and a commode.

Paget had relaxed my tense muscles and explained the importance of rest before the impregnation procedure later in the day. As if I cared about their plans. She laid her hands over my womb to check how much time they had left to make the baby. I blushed when she gave me a startled glance. I was sure she detected my recent amorous activities.

Perhaps I was fortunate Paget renewed the gag spell, else I would still be ranting and raving like a cornered rockgoblin. Despite my abused throat being dry and scratchy, I dared not drink from the jug.

Jarryd had told me how I had been drugged at Skerby. Somehow, being fed a love drug seemed worse than thinking I had been spelled by a wizard.

I was glad when Paget and Katerine left me to catch up on my sleep.

Once I tired of trying to break the invisible barrier, I climbed back into bed and sulked. Invisible things made me think of Jarryd. How long would I have to wait for rescue? What if my dragonrider had already gone before my kidnappers had arrived? Would Jarryd tell Father?

Dare I even depend on a rescue?

Jarryd's brother would not help. To think I had almost kissed him! I half-expected him to arrive at any moment, intent on finishing what he started. Part of me was annoyed that he had lost interest, even though I tried to hurt him when I saw him asleep on the steps. He had no right to sleep.

I reached for the jug. I sucked in just enough liquid to moisten my mouth. It tasted like water and not anything that might make me amenable to impregnation.

I was not ready for a baby.

I could not take care of myself.

Sighing, I let go of some of my anger as I thought of my dragonrider's kindness. A firedrake can cover a lot of sky in a short time. Jarryd would not let this happen. I thought of praying. Why did I only want to speak to the gods when frightened? I abandoned the idea.

Sleep stole closer, snagging my consciousness and shutting my eyes.

The bedroom door banged.

My eyes flew open and saw a man on the other side of the room.

"What now!" The gag caught my defiant words.

He wore a wizard's robe. He looked like a wizard. He had wizardly things hanging around his neck. Jarryd's stepfather, I thought. He lifted his hand. Sprinkles of silver light swirled around the room, settling on the walls and ceiling, and probably the floor too, though I did not lift my head to look. Nothing good came of it when magic sparkled near me.

I no longer cared. Relaxation jellied my limbs, and now my brain joined them.

"Good morning, poppet," he said. "I'm Wizard Ritter, but you can call me Ryne."

My eyes drooped. The witch's barrier will keep him away, I reasoned.

The mattress moved.

Not good.

The wizard stared at me from end of the bed. He moved nearer, peering intently.

"The witch has done something to you, has she?"

Remembering my gag, I dismissed him with foul words that any fool would read on moving lips.

"No matter, it suits me if you're quiet." An unpleasant smile parted his straggly moustache and mousy white beard. "But you're looking a bit too docile, if you know what I mean. Oh well, poppet, it can't be helped."

"Look at this." He produced a small glass-stoppered bottle and waved it under my nose. "That witch expects me to fill the damned thing."

I moved my head aside to avoid his night breath.

"We will not need it," he said, tossing the bottle. It splintered it in the fireplace.

He pulled the blankets from the bed and placed a hand on my thigh. "I will make my brat the proper way." He laughed.

As his eyes raked me, I tugged down the hem of the nightdress, unable to believe what was happening. Men were not much interested in bedding me, and now, in this one night, they seemed to be popping up everywhere to get me on my back.

Well, a nightdress would not deter a determined wizard, I decided. Perhaps I should just grit my teeth and bear it. He would go away when done.

I sighed, loudly, and closed my eyes.

From under my eyelashes, I watched him take in my apparent apathy with disgust. He clutched the hem of his robe and I stretched, trying to make it look casual. I lay on my side, facing him. I even managed to make the nightdress ride up my thighs a little.

He stilled, and his hungry gaze ogled the new view. I wished he would hurry up and deal with his clothing as I sensed a blush coming. A woman unaware of her movements would not be flushing bright red.

He obliged by reefing his robe up so quickly that he tangled his amulets in his beard. His struggle to free himself was made harder by the cloth trailing across his face.

Moving as fast as my relaxed body would allow, I slid off the bed and kneed him in the crotch.

He staggered back.

Simultaneously, I opened my mindpath and screamed into it. I sought the bastard who got me into this.

Dax, help me. Dax. Rape. Dax, help me. Over and over, I screamed the words along my mindpath while the wizard lay writhing on the floor, gasping and clutching himself, tears streaming down his cheeks.

With ravishment no longer a threat, I worried he might kill me. I kept up my pleas for help as I backed into the corner with the bed between us. I crouched behind the commode chair, my action useless if he intended killing me with magic. He must get himself off the floor before he could see me. Until then, I might be safe.

I hoped it would be enough. My heart thudded in my ears and my calls echoed in my head.

His moaning ceased.

I listened. What was the he doing? I should not have taken my eyes off him.

Strong hands gripped my ankles.

I looked down.

The wizard's glare met mine.

"Got you, poppet."


30 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene

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