19: Taniel - Rockgoblins

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Rufus did not use his wings to make landfall. He simply undulated down to about house height and hovered briefly before he dropped straight down. He landed as gently as a leaf falls. Although witnessing countless watchtower dragons over the years, nothing had prepared me for such a wingless landing.

Jarryd undid my fierce grip on his jacket.

I got the hint and moved back a bit.

Twisting his body deftly, he slid to the ground. He reached out to me. Moonlight lit his smile.

I slid down into his arms. Shyness struck. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I let them drop by my side, having no excuse to hang on to him now. I stepped away.

Without warning, Rufus sprang into the air, pushing me off balance. I fell into the dragonrider's arms. Staring into his eyes, I wished I guessed his thoughts. Would he expect more than kisses?

Seducing a stranger was harder than I had anticipated. Could I go through with it? I glanced up at the dwindling dragon and got my answer.

If I wanted access to Rufus, or any other dragon, this was my only choice. I did not want to make wizard babies. I would never get the chance to fly in Eighalh.

"You were going to teach me mindspeak?" I said, needing to end the uncertain silence.

He released me. "Sorry, I didn't think." He shrugged. "We need Rufus for that."

"What? We can't talk in our heads? Just you and me?"

"Not without the dragon. One of us has to be touching him to bridge the mindgap."

"Oh." Without thinking, I crossed my arms, lifted my chin and was about to accuse him of trickery when my own actions came to mind.

I could hardly criticize him, not with myself about do my best to seduce him into saving me from being forced to the wizards' citadel.

I took in a deep breath. "What shall we do, then?"

He gave me a doubtful look and shrugged again. I could have sworn he was interested in me earlier, but now he seemed to have cooled. Realising the off-putting nature of my stance, I tried to relax, but could not. The whole seduction thing was too much bother.

I pursed my lips and flopped to the ground. I looked up at him.

"I guess we just wait for Rufus to come back then," I said, dismayed at the petulant whine in my voice.

"It's long walk back to Skerby."

He was making fun of me again. I punched him behind a knee, gasping when he let himself fall close by my side.

"You want to fight?" He put on an exaggerated scowl, grabbed me by the shoulders, and eased me onto my back. He knelt astride my hips, laughing, his hands sliding along my arms until he held my hands by my head.

"You reckon?" I tried not to giggle. I struggled, feigning weakness. The warmth of him where our bodies touched fuelled familiar feelings. This was not the first time I had scuffled with a dragonrider.

"I wouldn't want to hurt you," he said, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

My heart battered my ears.

"I would never harm you," he whispered, brushing my lips with his. "Ever."

I felt the tingle of mindtalk.

"Oh, shit." Jarryd looked up, his eyes wild. "Rockgoblins!" He rolled off me, scrambling to his feet. He reached down and yanked me upright.

"Where?" I copied his whisper.

"Rufus can hear them coming a mile off." His grip on my hand was painful, but I didn't want to pull from his grasp.

Only seconds later, it seemed, Rufus swooped overhead, a dead deer dangling from his mouth. He landed nearby.

Jarryd dragged me with him as he sprinted the short distance to the dragon. With a grunt, he shoved me up and I scrabbled against the green scales into position. Rufus took to the air while Jarryd still scrambled up behind me.

"That was bloody close!" His words whooshed against the back of my neck.

"Yeah," I sighed. "It was bloody close all right." I wondered if he had exaggerated the danger. I had neither saw nor heard anything hinting at the presence of the tiny rockgoblins.

I knew they were dangerous in numbers, but if there had been a large enough force nearby, I would have heard them, too.

My annoyance had cooled somewhat by the time we arrived back at Skerby. Rufus hovered above the clearing before undulating down between the trees. The green dragon flung his prey to one side and softly settled.

Jarryd twisted out of my embrace and thudded to the ground.

I sat motionless, reluctant to dismount, not knowing how I could gain an advantage. All I could think was flinging myself to my knees to beg his mercy. Beg him to marry me.


He stood in a pool of darkness, his arms out.

"C'mon." Despite an impatient gesture, his voice was gentle, inviting.

I slid down into his arms and into his kisses, soft and gentle, at first, while his lips learned mine.

He held me against him and I knew he wanted more than kisses.

I would not make the same mistake as I had with Peter. Should I have this dragonrider commit to me, tonight, I would guard myself from his pretty words until I had what I wanted: a dragon.

"Dragonrider," I said. "I don't want to go to Eighalh."

"You don't have to," he breathed. "You can come with me."

"I would like that," I said, giving him back my lips.

After a moment, he held me away from him, looking incredibly pleased with himself. "That cave of yours looks comfortable. I'll grab a blanket?"

"Good idea," I agreed. "We have a lot to talk about."


9 March 2017 - added revised scene  ( this one ends differently, with Jarryd voicing his invitation)



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