42: Jarryd

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Jarryd shifted, uncomfortable, physically responding to Taniel's desperate need. He had to remind himself that this was not her doing. He tried sending her his strength.

Dax's presence flared, brushing their united mindpaths.

Jarryd, waiting for the right moment, felt Taniel's mood realign.

Full union of the four mindpaths came without warning.

Rufus grunted and strained at the barrier. The purple membrane pressed against Jarryd's face. He could not turn his head away and feared he might suffocate. He tightened his lips, tilting his head to keep a bit of space under his nose.

His head broke through and he saw that Rufus had his head and chest already free.

Jarryd desperately sought Taniel's mindpath amid twisted maze in his head. At last, he found it.

Go, he urged. Go now.


20 March 2017 - added revised scene (another short scene split from original to keep timeline intact)    21 March 2017 - fixed typo



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