55: Dax - more witchery

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"Paget is back," Ritter said.

Dax, slumped along a dark blue couch by the fire pit in the family reception room, flinched from his daydreaming when his stepfather spoke. He put down the empty wine goblet and flexed cramped fingers.

"Alone." Ritter studied the floor as though he watched the door-room.

Perhaps he does see through floors, thought Dax. Ritter kept his particular talents to himself unless he wished to borrow some magic. Dax wondered where his stepfather had sent Jarryd. He wanted to ask him, but the timing was not right. It might never be right.

Mother and Ritter stood, impatient for Paget's arrival. The matching scowls returned.

"Why didn't you bring the girl?" Mother asked as soon as the witch pushed through the tall double doors.

"The tavern was too busy. The taverner is cleaning up the common room. The aunt is scrubbing the rug next to Taniel's bedroom and we could not take the girl without being heard. Katerine said to wait until they sleep."

"Fair enough," Mother said.

"Good enough reason, I suppose," Ritter added. "I think I'll go up to bed." He stretched, glancing at Mother. "Olivia?"

"Wizard Ritter?" Paget hesitated. "Umm... just in case you haven't thought of it, you need to... keep your seed for tomorrow."

Ritter stared at Paget until she looked down at her clasped hands. He left without speaking.

Above a tight smile, Mother widened her eyes at them on the way out.

Dax glared up at the witch when she came over to him.

"I can't believe that you are going to go through with this," he hissed. "The first plan was risky, but this is madness. We will be thrown in the darkest hole under Eighalh. None of us will ever see daylight again."

"Dax." She leaned down to his ear. Witchery tingled on the side of his face

"What are you doing?" Dax jumped up from the couch and stepped away from her.

"Trust me," she whispered, reaching a fingertip to his lips.

Against his better judgment, he let her shove witch whispers in his head.

If I do not do this, Katerine will. I would not wish that man's child on anyone. I will not give him the means for permanent magic. I did not agree to that. No.

She increased the pressure of her finger.

The original plan would have worked, easily enough, but not this one. This can only lead to trouble. Big trouble.

Paget replaced her finger with her lips.

She kissed him.

Witchery swirled around Dax's head. He slipped his arms around her waist.

Settle down, I'm too old for you - this is to cover up me talking to you like this.

Dax enlightened his reflexes. This is pretend, he reminded himself, again.

I will neutralise Wizard Ritter's seed before using it for the impregnation. Even if Taniel agrees to the dragon, I will not be party to this pregnancy. I will have to stop her courses so they don't know they have been duped. It will give us time to get her away.

Somehow, the kissing turned real and Dax forgot to listen.

"And, you," she said against his mouth, slapping his shoulder. "You must stop being contrary." Else, they will not let you near the girl and we will need to work together.

Paget released his lips, leaning back a little.

His hands slipped to her hips.

"There," she said. "That shut you up. Now don't be a worrywart."

Dax rolled his eyes at her. "You're right. I do worry too much. Tell me. I'm curious, what are you going to do with a dragon? Can you dragonspeak?"

"Of course not." She swayed back in towards him, placing her palms on his chest. "I will have to learn to communicate with physical signals. I've always wanted one and a trained dragon is impossible to come by. I didn't even know Wizard Ritter had a dragonhold when I set the price. That was my way of refusing the job, but when Olivia said I could earn a red one, I decided it was worth the risk.

"A witch with a firedrake will be an amazing sight. I'm also amazed Ritter would part with one."

"No, I'm getting a female. She'll be less spectacular than a firedrake, but impressive, nonetheless. Your mother says it's unsuitable for breeding." Paget shrugged, sighing." Well, I better return to Skerby." She raised an eyebrow at him. "I will catch up with you, later?"

Dax reluctantly released her. "You can count on it," he said.


30 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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