17: Taniel

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Dragon piss assaulted my nostrils well before the dragon called from the dragonrider's camp. I pushed my way into the shadowed clearing. The dragonrider sounded annoyed. I mumbled excuses for my lateness.

Ignoring my mumbles, he scooted up the green dragon and reached down to me.

Flying! It was going to happen.

He hoisted me up behind him.

He might have warned me about the spike. It gave me a nasty jab in the thigh and almost ripped my trousers. At first I grabbed hold of his jacket, but then worried my hands might slip. I wrapped my arms around his waist, taking fresh hand holds. Even though I snuggled close as possible, the base of the dragon spike pressed hard against my back.

I wished I remembered the dragonrider's name. He patted one of my hands. Should I not worry? Impossible. Terror tightened my gut. I thought about freeing myself and scrambling down to the solid safeness of the ground.

A nervous giggle startled me. I clamped my mouth shut. I had waited all my life for this, and I was not about to back out now.

"Jarryd, are you ready?" The dragon's voice rumbled between my thighs, adding another dimension to my already stretched senses. I shuddered and the dragonrider patted my hand again.

His name was Jarryd.

I must not forget.

Peering over his shoulder at me, with moonlight shadowing his face, he grinned. "All set?" he asked.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. As the dragon tensed, I fought the urge to close my eyes. Fear would not steal a single second of this moment.

I glanced up at the canopy above us, wondering how we would reach the sky. The opening was too small. Nevertheless, Rufus sprang into the air, directly towards the gap.

"Down," Jarryd called, throwing himself forward over the dragon's neck, taking my arms with him.

My fingers tightened on his jacket as I fitted myself to the contour of his back. I turned my face sideways, trying to watch until a shower of twigs and loosened leaves forced me to bury my face in the leather.

The debris cleared and Jarryd straightened, bringing me upright with his movement. I stared, enthralled, at the dappled landscape far below.

"Are you all right?" he asked, a curious tone in his voice.

I supposed he would guess how it was on this first flight. He must know how the fear and exhilaration mixed inside of me, sending euphoria surging throughout my body. My heart thumped at an alarming pace. I opened my mouth to describe what I was feeling but found I could not speak of it.

Way too personal.

I studied the scenery flashing below us. "The wilds, so soon? That forest looks huge."

"We are still in the treetops," he said, laughing. "Just going around Skerby."

I did not believe him. Surely, he teased, but Rufus chose that moment to unfurl his webbed wings. Scattered twigs and leaves punctuated Jarryd's words. The view popped into perspective.

"So we are," I said. "I'm flying!" I thought I might burst with joy. "Thanks Jarryd, I really appreciate this."

"I know," he said, giving another grin before looking ahead, leaving me to wallow in the moment. He rested his hand on mine.

I am flying! As I was thinking it couldn't get much better, Rufus snapped his wings shut.

I panicked as they folded neatly against his body but, right away, it became clear we would not drop so much as an inch unless the dragon willed it.


And I thought I knew all about dragons.

Cruising at treetop level, the fast clip watered my vision. I blinked a few times. Squinting helped somewhat as I gazed around, not wanting to miss a thing. Everywhere I looked moonlight flirted with sinister shadow. Paddocks, farmsteads, and blinking watercourses flashed by.

Beyond the quiet whoosh of our passage, I heard chains clunking when dogs dashed out of their kennels, having hardly enough time for a single startled bark before we were gone. The unfettered gave half-hearted chase, barking defiantly until they, too, were outpaced.

I eased my grip on the dragonrider's jacket, no longer fearing I might fall. I wondered if magic kept us in place.

Sweaty man smell filled my nostrils, sweet against the burnt earthy odour of his dragon.  Right then, I ditched all past dreams of having my own firedrake, settling for this more modest attainment.

If I managed this properly, Rufus would become our dragon.

Far too conscious of the man filling my senses, my head swam. I must not get too far ahead of myself. We had only just met, for goodness sake. I made myself relax, determined to enjoy this moment for what it was, not for what it might bring.

Dragon flying was a thousand times more exhilarating than galloping the fastest horse in Father's stable. I peered behind but I could not see any of the night-lights of Skerby. I didn't know if I even looked in the right direction. I hoped none back home noticed my absence.

I squealed, for Rufus spoke suddenly in my head. 

Taniel, hold on. I am going up now.

Awed, I watched his silvery wings unfold and tug us upward. Up, up, and still up he climbed until I could barely breathe. I shivered.

My head tingled. When no words came, I wondered if Rufus spoke with Jarryd. After a moment, the sound deepened and the dragon spoke into my head.

Are you cold? Jarryd says you are not dressed for this height.

The dragonrider turned, raising his eyebrows at me. I nodded, impressed. Caring, as well as cute, I thought.

My head buzzed again, confirming my awareness when others spoke. How did they put up with that racket going on all day? I must ask, later.

The dragon slowly slipped lower and his wings tucked under my feet once more. Jarryd still held one of my arms so I felt safe enough to lean back and look past him to where we were going.

I sensed the warning buzz, this time, well before the dragon's voice arrived. Jarryd asks for permission to speak to your mindpath.

The dragonrider looked over his shoulder at me again, a tempting twist to his lips.

Surely, my eyes were wide as they could go, amazed that people could talk to one another using the mindpath. I closed my mouth, trying to stop my head bobbing up and down as if it was an apple tossed in a water barrel.

"You must speak your permission," Jarryd shouted, wind whipping his words away. I got their gist.

Yes," I yelled. "Yes."

He turned so that he could look directly into my eyes. His voice eased into my head like quicksilver, sending shivers up my spine and prickling my scalp.

Taniel Bartle, welcome to my world.

An unexpected intimacy accompanied his words. I shivered and, this time, it was not from the cold.


5 August 2021 - changed a few bits, here and there. This scene is actually the second in the third chapter. I haven't sued chapters here at Wattpad.

9 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene



Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter I)Where stories live. Discover now