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This novel has been revised. I'm replacing the text scene by scene during March 2017. Some of these might have changed during the rewrite. (8 March)

Please use the comments if you need more information

Aislenfell: the ancient homeland

Clades: The almost immortals created when dying wizards were illegally blended  with dragons, thus saving their people from Aislenfell. Bearing the pieces of a travl-ring, the party of travl wizards, dragonriders and engineers embarked on a tragic dragonflight over the previously impassable Moordakes.

Cladlings:  male shape-shifter wizards, direct descendants of the Clades, can renew their magic the same way as dragons - with a combination of food, water, and sunlight.  The paternity spell produces the ability to gather unseen molecules of magic from the air.

Doorball: a personal portal device  used for travlling the Void between the ball and the door  to which it is calibrated (usually in a door-room). Believed to be rare.

Door-room: a chamber containing portal doors for travelling between two points, usually fixed, but a door may also to be exclusive to one doorball

Dragonhold: a place where frail dragons are cared for, where dragons train their riders, and also where food on the hoof is herded for distribution to the dragons, or any place where the dragons gather

Dragonriders:  Male dragonspeechers usually become Dragonriders - an elite working out of the watchwards - patrolling the country's borders to make sure the pirates stay where they are, and that the Limits have not been breached.

Dragonspeechers / dragontalkers: Men and women who can communicate telepathically with dragons when touching then. They have untapped wild dragon magic. Females are sought for breeding with wizards because this unused magic is infused into the afterbirth which can be used in a Paternity Spell. During the term of the pregnancy, the female sometimes takes on the abilities of the wizard child inside. A Wizard can initiate dragonspeech without touching a dragon.          [changed to dragonspeaker / dragonspeak / mindtalk ]

Dragonsworn: rare female descendants of the Clades - they do not shapeshift, and usually have  limited healing magic

Dragon Knights:  A cladling cult, adulating the Clades, and promoting the Prophecy predicted by the cult's founder - the coming of the One.  Each year they renew their vows at the Claddesh Festival.

Eighall: the Citadel formed in the lower Moordake mountain lake, as refuge when the Wizards fled Aislenfell

Magic: My magic system is still being refined

Mindpath: the path of dragonspeech between users - with or without a dragon - the words travl in the void, and can be intercepted by others if not shielded correctly. Dragons can use an open mindpath to read thoughts and emotions.

Paternity Spell: the afterbirth from a female dragonspeecher/ wizard cross is the base for a witchery producing the ability to renew magic with food and sunlight.

Pirates: Corrangorach had long been controlled by pirate hordes before the wizards set up home in the northern mountain lake. As the behest of the enslaved local populace, the wizards banished the pirates to the north-west of the country, and set up their own government.

Prophecy:  A Clade prediction that a future dragonsworn - The One - will herald the downfall of Corrangorach's current regime.

The Limits: A magical barrier keeping out the outside world - erected by the wizards during the Pirate Wars to stop the pirates bringing in reinforcements and preventing the wizards from freeing the local populace from slavery

The Sword of the Keeper: generally believed by Cladlings to have been forged by the Dragon Knights for the Keeper - Guardian of the One.  However, it is an ancient artifact predating the Corrangorach faction of the Dragon Knights.

Travl: to travel the Void between two portal points

Travl-ring: a large circular portal, usually set atop a watchward, for dragon travl through the void between rings. Green dragons are forbidden to use them because they cause interference to the travl tracing equipment. Seadragons cannot use them because of their salt content (this is not science fiction - I do not need supporting evidence. I can makeup stuff. )

Void: the dimension used for communication by mindpath & for travl by portal

Witch: Has powerful healing magic. Usually produced from ordinary wizard/dragonsworn unions. Their magic works on everything, but a witch is impervious to all wizard generated magic. Witchery is renewable.

Wizards: The Wizards of Aislenfell and their descendants are long lived, but their magic levels drop with use. The Paternity Spell can give them renewable magic.


Thanks for looking - I hope this glossary helps!

(The Pirate Wars will be the subject of a novella or two, as will be The Flight from Aislenfell)

Don't forget to comment!

Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora