109: Taniel:

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Driscoll completed a last loop above the watchward and, leaving the guarded portal behind, hurtled us toward the Wilds.

After some time, the firedrake broke our silence.

Jarryd, where did you get the door-ball? he asked.

Huh? Door-ball? I said, peering over Jarryd's shoulder. He had changed places with me when he noticed Mother's leather box jabbing me in the spine. My mother gave me a door-ball?

Your mother? I felt the surprise on the firedrake's mindpath.

Mother left it with the notary. Do you know where it goes? I asked Driscoll, wanting to take the box out of Jarryd's jacket and see the door-ball for myself. Mother must want me to use it. Will this take me to her? I had learned that Driscoll knew most everything. Whether he chose to share, or not, was another matter.

This door-ball goes to the old Haven. It is unwise to go ther--

Cladessa, see us.

The sea dragons were back. Despite it being a little lighter up here than on the ground, I still could not find the translucent sea dragons on the first glance.

Driscoll, how can they sneak up on you like that? I was talking to a wall. The firedrake had locked my mindpath, again. I tried to believe it was for my own good.

"There's one," yelled Jarryd, pointing up to our left.

I followed his finger and, after I adjusted my vision, spied the floating sea dragon. Its floppy fins barely moved. Once I recognised one, I spotted the others. Ten, twenty, or maybe more, floated all around us.

"Jarryd," I shouted into my dragonrider's ear. "Why do they call me Cladessa?"

In the gloom, I saw his eyes widen and he mouthed the word. He frowned.

"Why won't you tell me anything?" I screamed. I had enough of their secret dragon business.

Jarryd turned around and knelt in front of me. "I am as ignorant as to why, sweetheart. Perhaps the babe's magic is confusing them. They think you are something more than you are. If you learn to tame your magic before our son is born, then maybe you will turn Dragonsworn. But the Cladessa..." Jarryd shook his head. "She is a myth." His words morphed into a soft sigh. "It doesn't matter what you are, anyway. You are my wife and the mother of my son. My family. That's all I care about."

When he leaned in, I let him have his kisses. He gathered me to him, kissing me as if we were not hundreds of feet above the ground, on the back of a firedrake.

He moaned against my mouth and my heart quickened. Soon, I was lying under him, our kisses fervent. Jarryd unlocked our lips and sat back, straddling my hips. He looked down at me, his eagerness plain. Why not, I thought. He only waited for my permission.

A belly fin grazed Jarryd's head and he batted it away.

The heat of my desire was ash under the fixed gaze of countless silver eyes. That is why not, I thought.

Jarryd smiled, the rising moon catching his eyes. "Nearly had you, sweetheart."

Salty wetness slapped me in the face as Jarryd helped me up. A second belly fin trailed across my head. I shrieked.

As one, the sea dragons flinched and darted away. Soon, they floated back into view, a few at a time. I tried numbering them but, nearing fifty, Jarryd interrupted my count.

"Driscoll says we are going to try the travl-ring again," he said.

The firedrake wheeled about, his wings snapping open, jostling sea dragons from his path.

"They can't use the portal rings," Jarryd explained. "Something to do with their salt levels. Driscoll is afraid they might ground us. I suspect he is not telling me everything, as usual."

Apprehensive, I reached out to get a feel of the sea dragons but, lacking the mindpath, my senses failed. My perception, at the cave, was not a mere fancy, then. The dragons had already been aware of me. It had nothing to do with the son inside of me.

With his wings flapping lazily, Driscoll flew on into the night.

The sea dragons, powered by moonbeams, kept pace.


9 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene

Thanks for reading!



Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter I)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang