89: Dax

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Dax dropped his bags and enfolded Jarryd in a bear hug. "I'm glad you're here," he said. "I'm taking Taniel out."

Jarryd was stiff in his grasp.

"What?" Dax dropped his arms.

"I have it under control," Jarryd said. "Driscoll is waiting for us."

"Us?" Dax studied the carpet for telltale footprints to accompany the flowery smell wafting from his brother. Evidently, the dragon had used his concealed talent, yet again.

"She'll be home quicker if we use the door-room," Dax said. "She can see her family, and then we'll go to my father's townhouse."

"Sam's? After what he did to me and Rufus? Are you mad?"

Dax laughed. "He'd only think her my latest girl and there's so much magic floating around the citadel, the others wouldn't even notice hers."

"I'm here, you know." Taniel's whisper was as fierce as the prodding each received to prove her words.

"Sorry. Look, Jarryd, whatever Father was doing, it would be for the good of Corrangorach. Nothing less would drag him from Eighalh. So I'll not judge him before I speak to him."

"What about the door guards?"

Jarryd was right to be sceptical. "It should be fairly straightforward," Dax said. "They can't see Taniel, and Ritter is on the mainland. I will still unshape, lest we need to convince them. You best prepare Taniel."

"I've seen your wings," Taniel said.

From Jarryd's face, Dax guessed she had not mentioned her bath-time visitor. She must have spied around the screen. No time for explanations now.

"But... Driscoll..." His brother's protests fell silent until they drew level with the shattered door to Jarryd's rooms. "Thanks anyway, Dax, but Driscoll will take us from here."

"Will Driscoll take me home?" Taniel asked.

Dax felt the tingle of her private mindspeech.

He placed a hand on Jarryd's arm. "She will be all right."

His brother's response was forestalled by a loud sigh from the girl. "Driscoll says he will pick us up from Skerby," she said. "Dax, we will go with you."

"Sweetheart, I don't think—"

"I want to go home Jarryd." Taniel's voice rose. "I want to see Father."

Dax hefted his gear higher on his shoulders. "Come on, down the back way." He set off, hoping they followed.

At the stairs, Jarryd quit his stubborn silence. "Here, Dax, let me carry your stuff. Best keep your hands free."

Dax grunted assent, shrugging off his bags without slowing his momentum. "Get a hold of Taniel. Don't let her get too far behind."

"There's no fear of that," Jarryd said.

"I'm here." Taniel's warm breath brushed the back of his neck.

Dax worked on his buttons during the descent and he had tied his shirt about his waist by the time they reached the servants' floor. Their footfalls blended with the thrash of the sea against the castle foundations.

"You will need to give me some space, Taniel." He half-joked, fearing that his wings would hit her as they emerged.

"Sorry," she whispered.

Dax guessed from her tone that her face reddened. Even visible, he would not be able to tell with the sparse mage lighting in the empty guest wing. He unshaped just before they passed through the curtained doorway.

In the grand hall antechamber, the two gharls standing by the carved newel posts lifted their spears. Everyone stilled, considering their options.

An unshaped wizard was not one to be trifled with, nor was an armed gharl, or two.

"Men." Dax forced a grin and saluted.

The gharls nodded. In unison, their spear butts hit the floor with a hollow thud and tails slithered aside.

Relieved, Dax glanced at Jarryd. They exchanged smiles. They descended the spiral staircase, their boots clattering on the granite steps. Oddly, Taniel's feet made no sound. He did not worry, though, for he heard the swish of her skirt.

Dax reached for his magic, making ready for the next set of guards. They rounded the final curve in the stairs.

Dax saw Ritter first.

The wizard leaned against the bolted door-room door, idly tossing his doorball from hand to hand. Guards flanked him.

"Off somewhere, boys?" he smirked. "Put the pretty wings away, Dax. They don't scare me."

His stepfather's smirk slipped when Dax lifted his hands, fingertips smouldering.

Ritter straightened and he shoved the door-ball into his robes. Anger sparked his fingertips. The guards on either side of him edged away, along the wall.

Small fireballs hung from Dax's fingers but he stayed his temper, remembering to flare his wings as much as he could in the tiny antechamber. Dax brought his hands together, making a single flame.

He looked deep into his stepfather's eyes, letting his hatred fuel the growing flame.

"You really think you can take me on in my own castle, boy?" Ritter sneered, taking his stance.

Dax hurled the fireball.

"Let's find out," he said.


5 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene (I ended up ending this scene at the fireball launch and then switching to get Taniel's reaction instead of overlapping)

Thanks for reading!



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