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"There is REASON in her blood and PURPOSE in her bones."

I knew that Ellaria wanted me to be happy. Unlike other women in Westeros, she held on ill will towards me because I was her lover's child and not her's. She had always treated me like a daughter, and for that, I was forever grateful to her.

I was grateful to my father as well. If he had not come to get me when he did, my stepfather would have sold me into slavery. My stepfather was not a kind man; but he was also not a stupid one. When I was born, I was told by many that I did not look like him or my mother. It was soon revealed that I was a bastard of House Martell.

Once I was taken to Sunspear, I took on the name Sand. I knew that most of the known world frowned upon bastards, but in Dorne, people usually didn't mind. We have always been a very open-minded people.

But enough about the past, we'll get into that later.

Traveling seems to have taken at least two moons. We stayed off of the Kingsroad so we would not be noticed. I had quite a few people with me, but instead of a carriage, I was riding on my own. I'd help them make camp, go hunting, and do everything else that a lot of people in the Seven Kingdoms would frown upon.

But in Dorne, women and men were treated equal. I could do as I pleased. I had a choice in marrying Robb Stark, but I decided to do it. For my people, for Dorne, and for my house. Although I did not bear the name Martell, I was just as much a Martell as any other family members.

My father was not a fan of his eldest daughter being 'sold off like cattle', but I convinced him that it was my choice- which was true.

We finally arrived at a Northern encampment, and I could tell by the color of the tents and the direwolf sigil that I'd found the right place. I looked at my handmaidens and guards, nodding to them. I was about to dismount my horse, when a man came forward out of the encampment.

"Who are you?" He demanded. I certainly hoped that this wasn't the young wolf everyone spoke of.

I dismounted my horse, as did all of my people. Not including me, I had about fifteen others. Two handmaidens and thirteen guards.

"Oberyelia, of House Martell. I demand to speak to Robb Stark," I said, my voice not wavering a bit. I was quite a strong force.

"That's King Robb to you," The man said. People had begun to notice my arrival, and they prepared their swords as if we were going to be stupid enough to fight them.

"We're here on peaceful terms," I held up my hands, showing off the multiple rings I wore, and looked at my traveling companions. They did the same.

The crowd of people that had gathered suddenly split down the middle. A man came through, with an older woman following not far behind. He had curly hair- I couldn't tell if it was dark red or brown. Maybe both. His eyes were piercing, even in the night, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Lord Karstark, what is the meaning of this?" The curly-haired man, who I presumed was Robb Stark, asked.

"A Dornish bastard wanted to see you," Lord Karstark spat.

First of all, it was no secret that I was a bastard. My uncle only had one child, a trueborn son. All of the other Martell children- my eight sisters and I- were all bastards. People knew it, and I didn't care.

Second of all, a lot of the Northerners were quite wary of us Dornish. I could see why, we were far better looking than they were.

"You would speak about a lady this way?" Robb said, and Lord Karstark bowed his head in apology.

"This lady needs no defense, King Robb," I spoke up, and smiled gracefully at him. He seemed surprised as I continued, "What he said is true. I am a Dornish bastard, of House Martell."

Robb seemed stunned into silence. I guess it was because he was surprised of someone so willingly claiming the bastard title.

"Oberyelia Sand, of House Martell" I introduced myself, bowing. I glanced at my riding companions and nodded to them. They all bowed as well, "I would get on my knees, but well, this is a new dress, and the ground is muddy. I'm not used to this climate."

I glanced down and gestured to the mud. I had a hint of a smirk on my face, and I could see in Robb's eyes that he was amused.

"Are we going to stand here and talk about the weather?" Lord Karstark interrupted, and I chuckled under my breath. Impatient Nothernmen...

"You're right. It is quite cold-" I paused, and looked to one of my handmaidens. She walked over to the carriage of luggage that was connected to one of the horses. She opened a trunk and pulled out a new coat that was made for me. She handed it to me and I thanked her, before placing it on my shoulders, "So let's not waste time, shall we? I am, after all, on official business from Dorne."

I nodded to my other handmaiden and she handed Robb a rolled up piece of parchment, stamped with the House Martell sigil in wax. He took it, but knew better than to open it in front of everyone.

Robb finally seemed to have found his tongue, and seemed fed up with my games, "What's in the carriages?"

There were two carriages, both connected to two strong horses. They were beautiful, with the sigil of House Martell. He could tell that they were not carriages for riding.

"Well, this one," I pointed to the one closest to me, and walked forward, opening the side to show him, "Is full of luggage. Mine, and my handmaidens, and my guard's."

Rob nodded, and his questioning eyes moved to the second one. I walked around the horse and braced my hand on the door.

"This one is full of Dornish wine," I said, opening the side compartment. It had at least thirty large barrels, enough for his men.

Robb seemed wary, and glanced at the aging woman next to him. She looked a lot like him, and I figured that was his mother, Lady Catelyn. I'd heard that while the Young Wolf was strong, he still stayed by his mother's tit. I hoped it wasn't true.

"What is this for?" Robb asked.

"A sign of Dorne's good faith in the North," I smiled, and walked back to my position near my horse. I could still see the doubt on his face, so I rolled my eyes, continuing, "What, you don't trust me? Fine, I'll have a sip from each other the containers if that's what you require. More wine for me."

He seemed to relax at that, and nodded swiftly, "Lord Karstark, take Lady Oberyelia's personal things to a tent- a good one. Bring the wine to the cooks. I'm sure that her people would be happy to help you." Robb glanced at me.

I didn't bother correcting him in the fact that my proper title was Princess Oberyelia.

I nodded, "Ten guards accompany Lord Karstark please. As well as both my handmaidens- begin unpacking our things," I looked at my handmaidens, Allysa and Ella, grabbing one of each of their hands. I smiled confidently at them.

I knew they were nervous. Both, like me, had never been this far north.

That left me with three personal guards, not that I'd necessarily need them. I had my own weapons, but just in case I was outnumbered by too many. I was confident, but not cocky- except for in certain situations.

Everyone broke apart to do as they were told. Everyone still seemed wary of me, but I saw Lady Catelyn's face soften when she saw the kindness I showed my handmaidens.

A lot of Northerners were so strict to the people who worked for them. The Dornish weren't- the only thing separating me from my handmaidens is the fact that I was lucky to be born noble- or, at least, partially noble.

I walked forward and nodded to Robb's mother, "It is an honor to meet you, Lady Catelyn. I expect we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

I had a genuine smile on my face, but I knew that the secret of why I was here could be seen in my eyes. She nodded, smiling at me as well, but I could tell she was suspicious of me.

I offered my arm to Robb, "Care to show me to where we can talk?"

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now