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When I woke up, I was very confused. It was similar to when I had awoken suddenly kidnapped by the Lannisters. But this time I was in a very comfortable bed, surrounded by pillows.

I blinked a few times, trying to recognize my surroundings. It seemed that I was alone in a small room- no, a tent. I saw medical supplies next to me, and bloody rags.

Memories came rushing back- getting cut in the stomach, passing out. I threw the blanket off of me, and noticed that I had been changed and bathed. Good, because I went more than a month without a bath and it was terrible.

I lifted my shirt, preparing for the worst. But my stomach was still obvious, and I breathed a sigh of relief. That had to mean that my baby was okay, right?

My stomach was, however, wrapped in cloth and bandages. My arm was wrapped up too. I was fairly certain that I looked like a mess.

I grabbed a knife from the try of tools next to me, and stood up, groaning in pain. I had no idea where I was, and could still be with the Lannisters.

Just as I had balanced myself, the flap opening to the tent opened. I held the knife out in front of me as an instinct, but dropped it when I saw who it was.


A huge smile came onto my face, and he looked bewildered and surprised. We stared at each other for a moment, before he walked forward in a few quick paces and wrapped his arms around me.

"Husband," I said quietly as a greeting, tears filling my eyes and spilling onto my cheeks. He pulled away but still had his arms around me.

"Wife," He responded, his own eyes shining with tears as he added, "And baby."

I nodded, more tears falling as I sniffed. To be held by him again felt amazing. When we had just met, out chests would have touched when we embraced each other like this. But my stomach was separating us, pressed against him. It was actually quite funny.

I felt a pull inside of me and I gasped, pulling away from him. I put a hand down on the bed to steady myself and put the other on my stomach.

"What? What is it? Is something wrong?" Robb asked frantically, fear obvious in his eyes.

I felt that tugg again- almost like moving. It was a little painful with the huge cut on my stomach, but it was mostly just an odd feeling.

I grabbed one of his hands and placed it on my stomach silently, and he looked a little confused. But understanding filled his eyes when that feeling happened again.

"The baby's moving," He said, and I nodded. For the first time in a while, I grinned brightly.

"You have to tell me what I missed while I was... Gone. How did I get taken anyway?" I asked.

I could see Robb's jaw clench, and I moved back and sat on the bed, grabbing his hands and lacing our fingers together.

"Your handmaiden, Allysa. She drugged Brienne and a few other guards, allowing the Lannisters to take you," He said angrily.

"Allysa? No, she..." I was dumbfounded. Then it hit me. Allysa loved me in a way that I did not love her. She wanted revenge. Maybe the Lannisters had even fooled her into thinking that we could be together when the war was over.

"Is she alive now?" I asked.

"Yes, I did not know if you would want to speak to her," Robb said, letting out a sigh, "I wanted to kill her, trust me, but your father advised me against it. He can be an angry man, but he is smart like you."

"My father? Is he here?" I glanced at the opening of the tent, ready to stand up.

"No, no, he is in Casterly Rock with two of your sisters. His paramour is in Dorne with the rest of your sisters," Robb explained, and I nodded, my shoulders dropping a little bit.

"Wait- you met my father?" I asked, my eyes widening. Now that was something I wish that I could have seen.

"Yes. You should have seen him- he showed up with all of Dorne's army behind him, and when he found out you were taken, he tried to take my head," Robb chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah, that uh, that sounds like my father," I smiled sheepishly, one hand subconsciously rubbing my stomach.

"He is a lot like you. Looks like you, too," My husband said, and I decided to take that as a compliment.

We stayed in silence for a minute, and he brought my hands up to his mouth and kissed them. I smiled, and then let out a breath as I stood up.

"Okay, as much as I would love to stay in this tent all day and just be with you- fuck you, and have you hold me in your arms- we have more important things to deal with," I said, using my grip on his hands to steady myself, "What happened with Theon and Ramsay? And Lord Bolton? And how long was I asleep? Oh! And what about the Tyrells? I told Obara to deliver the message about their betrayal. And what of Jaime Lannister and the healer Talisa? I wish to know their fates."

I kept going on, trying to list all of the things I missed.

Suddenly Robb placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled my face up to his and kissed me. I tensed up after a moment, then, then molded my lips to his. He pulled away sooner than I would've liked, and rested his forehead against mine.

"I just got you back. Can I just have a minute with you?" Robb asked quietly, and I smiled softly.

"I love you, so much," I was surprised at myself for being so emotionally open, but then I continued, "But we have a revolution to fight, my love."


I'm so sorry for such a long pause in updates! I was having a lot of trouble with this story, and was unsure of where it was going/how I would end it. But now I know what's going to happen, and let me just say that all of your haven't seen anything yet.

The story will likely end soon, maybe 10 or so more chapters. After that I'll post a sequel, and I'm very excited for it!

Don't forget to leave a comment!

-Clare xx

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