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I slept very well that night. It was the first time in months that I'd slept on an actual bed, and it felt amazing. The cold temperature, despite it being summer, was quite annoying though. But the Stark words were 'Winter is Coming', and they're right.

It was easy enough to get up and find my things. My handmaidens had already woken up, and I smiled at my reflection as Allysa laced up the back of my dress. Dawn was getting out my necklaces to have me pick from.

I already had on my rings- I wore three of them, always.

I'd chosen a beautiful dress, heavier than I'd usually wear. I was not used to the temperature and it was terrible. I missed the sun kissing my skin on the beaches of Dorne.

"What about this, Elli?" Dawn held up a necklace that had Dorne's sigil on it. I smiled brightly at her and nodded.

Allysa finished with my dress, and I straightened it out as Dawn put on my necklace. My handmaidens were more friends than anything. I usually didn't have them help me with this kind of thing, but I wanted to look like a true diplomat.

My dress was orange, red and yellow- all the colors of Dorne. The sleeves were long, and the dress itself made me chest look bigger than it was.

"Thank you both," I turned to face them and smiled, giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"What do you think of Prince Robb?" Dawn asked, glancing at Allysa. They both erupted into a fit of girlish giggles.

"I think he's quite handsome. Honorable, from what I've heard- it's a good trait. I'm not sure yet, though... But I think he'll make a kind husband," I said, laughing with them.

Having two of my closest friends here was like having a piece of home. Except for the fact that I was stuck in a cold, muddy, battle camp.

"My princess," One of my guards peaked his head in, and I looked at him as he continued, "King Robb requests your presence."

"Of course he does," I muttered, taking a deep breath.


"We've decided to accept your offer," Robb said, and I smiled.

Again, it was just myself, Catelyn, and Robb. I suspected- especially due to the extra wine goblets- that they'd held a meeting this morning. But Robb didn't want other lords possibly provoking me. Smart man.

"Of course you did," I said.

"We've sent word to your family and to House Frey. We are to be married within a fortnight- as soon as possible... We will not be able to wait for your family, and for that, I give my deepest apologies," He bowed his head, and I smiled gracefully, feeling my heart tighten.

I knew that my family wouldn't be able to be here, but I still wished they could be.

"It's alright. Perhaps once this mess is all over we can throw a large party and have both of our families attend... Almost like a second wedding party," I knew I sounded like a child, but I wanted my family more than anything. I wanted all families separated by war to be together.

"Will you be taking the Stark name?" Catelyn asked, and my eye brows furrowed together.

"I suppose so. I would not mind living the rest of my life as a Sand, mind you, but to have the same last name as my children would be ideal for me personally," I knew that a lot of Dornish woman kept their own family names, but I always imagined that I would take my husband's. Something that tied two people together.

But then again, that was when I imagined myself marrying for love.

I sighed, then a thought popped into my head, and I looked to Robb, asking him, "Is there a godswood nearby?"

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now