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I let out a loud yell, my hand gripping Catelyn's so tight that I thought my grip might shatter the bones in her hand.

I'd been laboring for a few hours, the sun had set a while ago, and at this point it seemed fruitless.

"How much longer?" I asked desperately, wanting to collapse in tears.

Maester Luwin checked my dilation, and said, "I estimate another couple of hours—maybe two or three, at most."

I let out a sob and threw my head back against the pillow. My hair had already begun to stick to my face with sweat.

"I didn't think it would hurt this badly. No one said it would," I cried.

"I know, I know," Catelyn said soothingly.

Up until this point, I hadn't really worried about the birth. I thought of how strong of a warrior I was, and the things I'd survived, and I figured that would make birth easier.

I was a moron.

"I think that fact that it's twins is likely making it more painful, your grace," Maester Luwin said.

"Oh, I'm going to kill Robb when I get my hands on him," I said angrily, "He just had to give me TWO children at ONCE. And then he can't even be here."

The fact that it could be months or even a year or more before Robb would meet our children rendered me back to tears.

Maester Luwin sat down next to me, and grabbed my free hand, "I delivered all of the Stark children, and I can remember it like it was yesterday. Robb was Catelyn's first, obviously, and she was much the same as you."

"It's true," Catelyn smiled comfortingly, "I cried all throughout my labor, and cursed Ned for not being there, for being off fighting a war. But the second they put Robb into my arms, my tears stopped. Here was this tiny, squirming baby, who was made completely by me and my husband—mostly by me. I was overcome with pride."

"I can't wait to meet my children," I said honestly, "And I know I'm upset with Robb right now, but I so wish he could be here."

I knew at this point I was babbling and saying the same things, but my mind couldn't wander that far with all the pain I was in.

"Can't I have milk of the poppy?" I pleaded. I'd never needed it before, but I heard that the medicine worked very well to get rid of pain.

"No, I'm sorry, my dear. Women who drink milk of the poppy while giving birth usually go to sleep and don't wake up," Maester Luwin said gently.


The tears continued for hours, and I just stared up at the ceiling, groaning or yelling in pain every once in a while.

I looked at Catelyn suddenly, "Do you think it'll be boys or girls? Or one of each?"

She seemed startled that I was asking, and thought for a moment before answering, "I think boys."

I smiled, closing my eyes. Talking, I had found out, helped while going through the pains.

"I don't know if it means anything, but I've always had a feeling I'd have one of both," I smiled brightly, as a few tears escaped, "I've always been worried that having twins would cause them to not like each other—since the line of succession makes the second born almost, but not quite, the heir."

"Siblings love each other, and these will be no different. There'll be no rivalry," Catelyn said, and I believed her.

"I hope they look like Robb," I confessed.

Catelyn smiled at my words as Maester Luwin checked my dilation again.

"Good news, it's time to push," He said, and positioned my legs.

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening in terror, "I-I don't know if I'm ready. I don't know if I can do this. Can I just come back tomorrow and do it then?"

The pain had made me delirious, but Catelyn let out a rare laugh at my question. I supposed it was a pretty funny question.

"You can do this," Catelyn promised, squeezing my hand. I nodded, taking a deep breath before  beginning to push.


The first cry pierced the night air, and I let out a sob. Catelyn moved towards Maester Luwin to hold the baby while I birthed the second one.

"It's a boy!" Catelyn said, and I sobbed happily, gratefully.

I was told later that it was exactly three minutes until my next baby was born.

A second cry pierced the air, and I let out a breath. My tears stopped, and I looked at the Maester expectantly.

"A girl," He said, and I grinned ear to ear.

I sat up as best as I could while they cleaned off the babies.

Catelyn handed me one baby, while Maester Luwin handed me the second. I had one in each arm.

I looked at my son. He was a mirror imagine of his father. Soft blue eyes, and a surprising amount of auburn curls. He looked up at me and I felt like my heart was going to overflow with love.

I looked at my daughter. She also looked just like her father—save for the black hair, which she got from me— eyes, nose, mouth—everything else was just like her brother, and just like Robb.

"This," I nodded toward my firstborn, with auburn curls, "Is Eddard Stark."

"And this," I nodded towards my secondborn, with black hair, "Is Elia Stark."

"Strong names," Maester Luwin said happily, "And, born in the hour of the wolf."

"Yes," I agreed, as I looked down at them, "The perfect names for the perfect babes."

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now