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A small, selfish part of me wished that my sisters could stay with me. But I knew that they were not safe here.

I was still in my cage, and Obara and Sarella were standing in front of it. Kevan would not allow me out or them in(a good idea for him; not for me), even for a hug.

I held my hands out to my sisters, one to each of them. I pulled them close, the only thing blocking us being the bars of my cell.

I whispered in Obara's ear, "Tell Robb that the Tyrells are traitors. Sister, do not forget! And tell him that I love him more than anything."

I leant down and kissed Sarella's forehead before reluctantly releasing their hands.

"I love you both so much. Be safe," A tear made its way down my cheek, and I wiped it away furiously.

Kevan handed the letter I'd written to Obara and said a few things to her. But I had stopped concerning myself with that.

I turned and leaned against the post in the middle of my cell, and slid down it. I was crying softly, and did not want my sisters to see me.

I was supposed to be strong for them. But I did not feel that way.


"Obereylia?" I heard a soft voice wake me.

I gasped and opened my eyes. It took me a second to realize where I was. Talisa was right in front of my face, blinking at me curiously.

The sun was setting, and I took a deep breath and sat up.

"I was coming to check on you and- well, you were screaming," She said.

"Oh... Yeah. I do that sometimes," I muttered.

That was a lie. I hadn't had a nightmare in years, but given my current situation I would think that it was excusable.

"You have nightmares often?" She asked softly.

"No, not really... It's more of Robb's thing," A smile that was somewhere between bitter and amused crossed my face.

"I can imagine that man has things he's seen can haunt him," Talisa said quietly.

"They would haunt any man," I said.

War was not easy. Robb and I- we were responsible for thousands of deaths.

"He didn't even really want this," I gave her a watery smile and shrugged, "Robb is not power hungry. Before I came along, he just wanted the north left alone. But we could not just let the Lannisters reign terror over everyone."

She was quiet after that, a hand on my belly. She seemed to be in thought, and I could not blame her. She was working with terrible people.

But I could not ask her to help me. I could not let anyone sacrifice them self for me.

"How long did you live in Volantis?" Talisa changed the subject a few minutes later.

"Oh, not too long. Just for a while when I was a kid. My father came to take me to court," I said softly.

"He took you from your mother?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"No- well, I mean... It's complicated," I said, "My mother was his lover for a few months, and she told him that she suspected that she was pregnant. But his travels took him elsewhere. She got married as quick as she could, and passed me off as her husband's for a few years. But I have always looked just like my father. When my father did show up, my mother's husband killed her and tried to kill me as well- obviously, he did not succeed."

She was silent again before saying, "I am sorry."

"It is alright. Time really does heal wounds... I just have never told Robb," I said, and she raised an eyebrow at me, "I never got the chance to. Our marriage was arranged, but somewhere along the way I found myself in love with him. I am usually not so open about my family and things like that- I was scared to open myself up to him. Now I just feel like a fool because I may never see him again."

Tears were in my eyes again. and I let out an annoyed sigh. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and rolled my eyes.

"I usually would not tell anyone this. I offer my apologies, I am just not used to living, well, like this," I threw my hands up.

"It is alright. The emotions, if they are uncommon, are likely due to your pregnancy," Talisa offered me a small smile, and I could see the pity in her eyes.

I stayed silent and she was digging around in a bag she had brought with her.

"How long were you in Volantis?" I asked.

"A while. It is where I grew up," She shrugged, "I am of the Maegyr family. But due to an accident that almost costed my brother his life, I decided to do something meaningful with my life."

I stared at her for a second, and nodded once in approval.

"I think that I remember you. My mother was a slave when she was young, but her freedom was given to her when her master died. She said that she served the Maegyr family once when I asked her about her life as a child... My apologies, but she did complain about your family on occasion."

Talisa simply shrugged, "I can understand it- Slavery is not something I am fond of. Her master was likely my grandfather. He had similar thinking to myself- All of the slaved he owned were freed upon his death at his wishes."

I smiled at that, and she glanced at the guards before reaching in her bad and pulling out something. It was something wrapped in a towel. I opened up the towel and gasped.

There was bread and cheese- freshly baked bread that was still warm. Some grapes, as well.

"I took this from dinner," She whispered, and handed it to me, "You need to eat it. What they feed you is very unhealthy."

And by that she meant the cold 'soup' with chunks in it, and the very little water. I hoped that she could bring me some refreshment tomorrow, but then remembered that I could not ask this of her.

"I do not want you to get into trouble," I said lowly, and she shook her head.

My stomach made an unhappy noise, and I took the food gratefully. It only took me a few minutes to eat it, and it put me in a much better mood.

"Thank you so much," I said gratefully, and she shrugged.

"It is not right for them to be holding you here. And even then, someone may as well treat you better," Was all that Talisa said, taking the now-empty towel from me and stuffing it in her bag before adding, "I will see you tomorrow."

With that, she stood up and walked to the door of my cage. One of the guards unlocked it, then immediately locked it back.

To have someone so kind like she was was refreshing. It was beginning to make me feel like myself again.

It felt like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now