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Three moons had passed since I gave birth. We also hadn't heard any news from Robb since then. Everyday I feared getting a raven with news that would make me a widow.

We'd heard news from others, though. It seemed like Robb's winning streak was still going strong. That gave me hope.

I was loving every second of motherhood. Everything my children did left me absolutely in awe of them. I was glad that I'd made the decision to come to Winterfell—it gave me a lot of time to think.

I looked at the crib. Both of the babies were taking afternoon naps.

They had two separate cribs, but we quickly found out that they preferred to sleep together usually. Maester Luwin had explained it easily—for nine moons inside me, they spent every moment together. To suddenly be taken apart was startling.

They were both born with full heads of curls, Ned's being auburn and Elia's being black. I admired how beautiful and sweet my children were as I looked down at them.

I heard a knock on the door, and turned. My mouth fell open in shock, and I ran forward.

"Father!" I exclaimed, launching myself into his arms.

He laughed, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

I pulled away and looked at him. He looked exactly as I'd remembered.

"My beautiful girl," He asked, and I smiled

I pulled him forward, towards the crib, eager to show off my children.

He stared at them, a small smile on his face. He reached forward and gently brushed the curls in Elia's hair.

"They're perfect, exactly what I expect from you," He complimented, and I flushed.

"They really are perfect," I said, "Eddard and Elia Stark."

"You named your daughter after my sister," He said quietly, staring down at the babies.

"Robb and I never really got a chance to discuss names, but I figured that I chose good ones. I was named for her, and I know how much you loved her. It was a honor to give my daughter her name," I said, but something was nagging at me, "Father, I don't mean to sully the moment but... Why are you here?"

He looked me over and said, "Am I not allowed to visit my favorite girl?"

I laughed, "Of course you are. And I don't doubt that you wanted to see me and meet your grandchildren. But I feel like there's a deeper reason."

"You always were the most clever of all my children," He said, and a sad look made its way into his eyes.

He moved towards the door and glanced out into the hallway, then closed the door.

"Sit down," He said gently. I raised my eyebrows but moved forward. There was a small hearth on the left wall of the room, and a table with two chairs next to it. I chose the one closest to the crib.

"Am I a widow?" I asked suddenly, boldly, bracing myself for the news. Perhaps he'd come here to tell me the news, thinking that it'd be better coming from him.

"Not that I know of," He said, and I let out a breath.

He sat across from me, and just looked at me. I was beginning to feel like something was wrong.

Sometimes you never know that a day is important, until it is. It seems like a regular day, until it isn't. I never thought that today would be an important day.

"My sister Elia was always my best friend. From the moment I was old enough to understand what friends were. Probably before that, even. Her health had always been bad, because she was born earlier than she should've been, but it didn't stop her from doing everything she wanted," He said, "She was sharp-witted, smart, funny, and beautiful. She was just like you."

I suddenly felt my stomach drop. It felt like I'd swallowed a stone.

And somehow, I knew what he was going to say next.

"When my father and King Aerys decided that my sister would marry Rhaegar, she was overjoyed. Rhaegar was considered to be the most handsome man in all the Seven Kingdoms, and Elia was considered one of the most beautiful maidens. She was in love with him from the start. She was afraid that because of her health, she would never have children. But after they married, she did. She had a daughter. Elia and Rhaegar loved their daughter more than anything. And when they had a son, they also loved him more than anything," He continued.

"Stop," I said, feeling bile rise into my throat. I covered my mouth to stop it from escaping, but my father continued anyway.

"When King's Landing was taken during Robert's Rebellion, Tywin Lannister ordered the Mountain to kill Elia and her two children. The Mountain found Elia and Aegon hiding in her bedroom, and he murdered her son, then raped and killed her. He searched and came across a girl who he assumed was Elia's daughter, so he murdered her. But, the truth was that Rhaegar had sent his close friend Ser Barristan Selmy to try and save his two children once he got word of how close the siege was getting,"

"And so, in the same bedroom where her moth and brother had been killed, Barristan Selmy found Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, hiding in a chest. How the Mountain missed her, I'll never know. He had killed a Dornish servant girl instead of the princess. The princess was taken to Essos by Ser Barristan for her protection. A few months later, the girl's valiant and brave uncle name to save her, and claimed her as his own daughter." He finished.

I stood up and ran to the corner of the room, vomiting into the chamber pot, which was luckily empty beforehand. I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest. I could barely breathe.

"You never—why—are you serious?" I asked, standing and looking at my father—or, I guess, at my uncle.

"You are Princess Rhaenys Of Houses Targaryen and Martell, second of her name, daughter of Rhaegar and Elia," Oberyn said, and I just stared at him.

"Why tell me now?" I asked angrily, "You could've told me years ago—you should've told me years ago—but you didn't. Why now?"

"Princess Daenerys Targaryen, your aunt, will come to Westeros one day, maybe soon. She plans to take the Iron Throne. I thought you, and your husband, could use this information," Oberyn said gently.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked, and he looked away.

"Probably not," He confessed, "You were my daughter by then, I did not see any good reason to say anything."

"Get out!" I yelled, "Get the hell out of here!"

He looked like he wanted to argue, but didn't, and exited the room quickly. I was surprised, but thankful, that my children had not been woken by all the talking and yelling.

I looked at the hearth next to me, and walked forward. I'd always heard stories of how Targaryens were fireproof. I wondered if it was true.

Almost without thinking, I stuck my hand out and deep into the flames.

I could feel the warmth, but felt no pain at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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