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That night, before we left, we had some matters to discuss with Catelyn and the council.

We were all seated at a table, and I took a sip of my drink before looking at Robb. I nodded, and He took a breath before beginning.

"I am making a change to my will," Robb announced, "Both Elli and I. We thought since the matter of the changes would concern you all, you should be informed."

"What kind of changes?" Lord Bolton asked, exchanging a glance with Lord Karstark.

Robb looked to me before continuing, "In the case that Elli and I would die childless, the throne would usually pass to Bran, since he is the next trueborn Stark brother."

"Usually?" Catelyn asked, glancing at me uneasily.

"I am changing the line of sucession. The throne will go to the next Stark brother, trueborn or not," Robb said.

Catelyn's face fell, and her eyes filled with fury, "You cannot do this, Robb."

"And in the event of Jon's death, it will pass to Sansa as the next Stark child. And the line of succession will continue regardless of birth status or gender," Robb finished explaining.

"This will mean that when you are on the throne, that Jon would inherit Winterfell!" Catelyn exploded, standing up.

Robb nodded, showing the fact that he knew of this.

"A bastard cannot rule!" Catelyn said, and I knew that it was my turn to speak.

"A bastard can and will rule," I stood up and placed my hands on the table, "I am a bastard, and yet I am also a queen."

Catelyn sneered at me, "I should have known that this was all your doing. You and your shameful bastardry-"

Robb's fist hit the table, making everyone jump.

"She is your queen, and you cannot disrespect her. It is an act of treason," Robb said lowly, his eyes narrowing at his mother.

Catelyn and Robb stared at one another, and I knew that Lord Karstark and Lord Bolton were probably taking bets on who would look away first.

"Your father would not want this," Catelyn said dangerously, before turning on her heel and marching out of the room.

Robb let out an exasperated sigh, and I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"For what it's worth, my grace, I like the idea of bastards being able to inherit lands and titles," Lord Bolton spoke up, "My bastard son will gain the Dreadfort upon my death."

"We appreciate your understanding, Lord Bolton. You have been a good friend, and it will not be forgotten," I said smiling and nodding at him.

"I have to admit that I am a bit wary of women being able to inherit the throne," Lord Karstark spoke up.

"I imagine that one day women will be seen as equals to men. We are just trying to start that view. We are on the right side of history," I spoke.

Part of the reason behind this was so that others may follow. Making the entire continent more like Dorne in ways of tolerance and acceptance. Robb agreed with me, and had always been a kind and just man toward everyone.

Robb dismissed the two lords, and soon we were alone.

My husband was facing the wall, looking at the fire. I walked up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders, massaging slowly.

He let out a groan low in his throat, and I grinned at the feeling it gave me. He turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. I laid my head on his chest.

"I can't believe she would say that. My father would want this, I know it. The only reason he never legitimized Jon was out of respect for my mother," Robb said, resting his chin on my head.

"I never got the honor of meeting my father by law, but I think that he would approve of this," I said, taking my head off of his chest and kissing his cheek softly.

We just stood there in silence for a little while, enjoying being close. I wondered if that's what love was like. Robb and I had known each other for almost a month, and been married for almost a fortnight. Could love have grown between us in that little time?

I thought maybe what I was feeling was love. I had never felt it before, not romantically, and it was a little overwhelming. I would do anything for Robb, and his family. It was unconditional.

"I wonder what my father by law would say," Robb mused, and I smiled at the mention of my father.

"He would probably make some clever sarcastic joke, but I know that he'd be happy," I cupped his cheek with my hand, and I wondered what my face looked like to him.

Did my eyes portray the love I felt but could not say?

"So he's a lot like you," Robb said, and his eyes sparkled with the familiar amusement and teasing.

"Hey, you love me!" I hit his chest playfully, chuckling.

I didn't even realize what I'd said until Robb's eyes filled with an unfamiliar look. My smiled dropped, and my eyes widened.

"I didn't mean-" I started.

"I do love you," Robb interrupted, and my face flushed.

This might have been the most intimate we've ever been. We'd had sex before, but this felt like a different kind of intimacy. It was all emotional, and raw and intense... I was not used to it.

I didn't know what to say so I kissed him, hoping that my feelings could be shown that way. I loved him, I was almost sure of it. But for some reason I could not bring myself to say it. It was scary and permanent and I did not know what the future held.

It took him a moment, but he kissed me back. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, my forehead leaning against Robb's.

"Do you want to make a baby?" I asked, and he grinned.

"In my grandfather's office?" He asked, slightly breathless.

"Why not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow daringly at him.

I honestly did not know what he would say. But a split second later he picked me up and started carrying me to the table we were all sitting at only a few minutes ago.

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now